The Robloxian department security rules

Robloxian Department of Security Rules
Security must respect higher ranks.
Security members above the rank of [L.R] Cadet ll are expected to own at least the shirt to the uniform. While the uniform pants are not required for any rank, [M.R] Patrol Officer and above should wear camouflage pants if they do not want to wear the uniform pants.
[H.R] Security Trainer and above may be excused from wearing the uniform if they are wearing the security badge t-shirt. [H.R] Head Security Trainer and above are excused from all uniform rules unless told otherwise by an executive.
Abuse of admin power by those trusted with it is punishable by demotion to the highest rank without admin power.
When modifying an RDS game in roblox studio no member of security is to modify admin settings.
No security member may ask for free credits during a training.
During training only two trainers can host in the same server at the same time and no person acting as lobby duty is to use admin without permission from one of the trainers.
No security member is to disagree with a trainer during a training.