The rotors on my helicopter violently turn the actual helicopter


I’m trying to make rotors on my helicopter rotate using a hinge constraint and MOTOR6D’s and although they rotate they also violently move the helicopter, I’ve looked through the dev forum however I haven’t found any solutions. The hinge constraint in “Part” is attached to “Part” and “RotorHandler”. The Motor6D in “Part” is attached to “part” and the main body of the helicopter, meanwhile the Motor6D in “Blades” is attached to “Blades” and “RotorHandler”


Build the entire rotor head and blades and weld all those Parts together. You aren’t going to be able to see a blade pitch change (I’m guessing that’s what you want the Motor6D to do?)

Put only 1 HingeConstraint Attachment in the rotor head, with another Attachment in the helicopter fuselage at the exact same Position and Orientation (yellow and orange arrows) then add a HingeConstraint and setting Attachment0 and Attachment1 to the Attachments you just added.

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It now doesn’t go all over the place and sticks to one place as I wanted ( When no one is in the helicopter), however, it’s shakey and when I fly it gets flung around


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Can you give me a rbxl file?``

I’d also like to add when the AngularVelocity is below 20 it’s not shakey, however even without the shake it’s still unflyable

I cannot, sorry. I can show any properties though

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Are you sure the Attachment in the ‘Spinner’ and the weld between the Spinner and the Blades makes them all perfectly aligned so they spin at the center of Mass?
Try making the Spinner and Blades Massless properties true to see if that helps.

Are you sure the control script isn’t what’s making the helicopter shake?
Try removing the hinge constraints for you main and tail rotor to see if the control script is causing it or not.

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I’ve scripted the movement system before the rotors. When I remove the hinge constraint it works perfectly.

The attachments are in the blade and fuselage and not in the spinner, and also everything is already massless

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Unsure why but for some reason the spinner is upside down when I playtest

I just fixed it by setting the density to 0.01

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When you select each of the Attachments for the HingeConstraint do the yellow and orange arrows align the same?