The Sabers Unleashed Series is Open Source

In 2020 I began my work on various Star Wars themed fighting games including Lightsaber Battles Reborn and the Sabers Unleashed series.

The Sabers Unleashed series was something I developed and created because another game, Lightsaber Battles 2 by Serphos, was not getting updates and I was inspired by it. I had a lot of ideas I wanted to implement and I had a lot of things I wanted to try and add as I learned how to develop games and refined my programming skills.

Now, almost 5 years later, I am no longer a teenager in high school doing this stuff for fun. I don’t have the same amount of time to work on these projects like I used to, but I have always wanted to see gameplay and combat systems with some of the ideas present in here on the platform, with the directional combat elements and the lock on. I have always had the idea that once I’m done with the series or the Roblox platform I will make my code open source, as I don’t have a need for it and others can make use and hopefully learn from what I have created.

With this, I am happy to announce that Sabers Unleashed I and Sabers Unleashed II are now open source for anyone to use and reference, and Sabers Unleashed 3 is planned to be open source as well once it is released.

I will say though, most of this code was written when I was something like 16 and still learning how to program. It is not programmed up to my current day standards and there’s definitely some spaghetti.

What I do ask is that if you do use my code or reference it, please credit me so that others may find the resource as well.

TL;DR here are the games, enjoy!


Cool! but did these two games come with force selection like able to cycle type of force powers?
Key go previous - Z | go next - X (something like this as example)

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Sabers Unleashed 2 came with a saber throw move

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on the second version, I am left mouse clicking with the saber active and it does not swing… this is in play mode of your source, not in studio…

Ah okay! also where is all animations for TSU1 and TSU2 to re-upload it for use it?
Also whats The Saber Unleashed 3 actually look like?

Okay so is The Saber Unleashed 3 will have dual wielding sabers?
If it’s included it’ll be perfect for me use it for my combat style.

Sabers Unleashed 3 has dual sabers, sabers Unleashed 1 has some too if you’d like to use them

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For Sabers Unleashed 2 you must be locked on to use combat

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The animations are all in game, however to use them you will need to reupload your own version of the animations. To get the animation itself, use the following script and paste the ID of the animation. Then, upload the created object when run to Roblox as an animation.

game:GetObjects(" ANIMATION HERE")[1].Parent = workspace
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ah what else it have on Sabers Unleashed 3?