The script doesnt work more than once?

Alright so basically, i’m making this “cloning” thing. And the second NPC is stiff for some reason and the script wont work on him?
Heres an example!

for i,v in pairs(NPCs:GetChildren()) do
     local CLONED = v:Clone()

v.Head.BrickColor ="Baby Blue")
     CLONED.Parent = game.Workspace.NPC

And this script doesnt apply for the clone. Any ideas why?
Basically I want this to loop without lagging like crazy

Try using BodyColors to change your npc’s body colors.

This is just an example, and it works. However it doesnt work for the clone.

Sorry, what exactly doesn’t work?

Basically it works only one time, I want the head to turn blue for each clone

for i,v in pairs(NPCs:GetChildren()) do
v.Head.BrickColor ="Baby Blue")
     local CLONED = v:Clone()
     CLONED.Parent = game.Workspace.NPC

You looped through the original NPCs and you didn’t change colors of the clones.

Doesnt work. I can show you the actual script.

for i,v in pairs(workspace.NPCs:GetChildren()) do
	local CLONED = v:Clone()
	v.Head.BrickColor ="Baby blue")
	CLONED.Parent = game.Workspace.NPC
	CLONED.Head.BrickColor ="Baby blue")

maybe this? it works fine

Yeah, that would work but I dont wanna write the whole script again like that since the real script is very long

he changed 1 line of code what do you mean???

Yea, but this script is just an example script. The real script is much bigger

1 is cloned and
2 is original

so just implement the idea into it no need to recode 100 lines

could you tell me how to do that?