The script editor autocomplete function no longer replaces existing text


Since the last update yesterday, I have noticed that when using the autocomplete feature, it no longer removes the existing text but prepends the autocomplete choice before the existing text. See the below images for reference. It doesn’t matter if it’s something that I made or if it’s a Roblox internal type, the result is the same. The impact of this bug is annoying to say the least. Since the existing text hasn’t been removed, I have to remove it manual.


Before the autocomplete.

During the autocomplete.

After the autocomplete.

As you can see in the above images, the correct autocomplete shows up, but when applied Cash is not removed.


  1. Open Studio
  2. Open a script to edit.
  3. Use the autocomplete with existing text.

Additional Information

I do not run beta features. All beta features are disabled. All plugins have been disabled and the problem still occurs.

Field Value
Area Studio
Component Script Editor
First Noticed Yesterday (October 20, 2023)
Frequency Constant
Imact Moderate (Annoying)
System Information
CPU AMD FX-8350 8-Core 4.00GHz
Memory 16GB
OS Windows 10 Professional RTM 22H2 x64
GPU AMD Radeon RX 6500 XT (3840x2160)

Expected behavior

What I expect to happen is that the existing text is removed when an autocomplete item has been selected. This was the behavior for years before it changed yesterday.


This is actually a recent update to the Script Editor, stated in release 598.

From now on, you need to press Tab instead of Enter/Return to work around this.


Well, that explains that. Why did they make this change? Is there a setting to turn this off? It’s highly annoying.


I agree - no idea why this change was made and I don’t believe you can disable/revert it. :frowning_face:

Hopefully Roblox staff can provide some insight into the reasoning behind it before this report is closed.


This should be inversed if kept. Press Tab to keep text, and Enter to replace it. They trying to make code harder to write now?


I have no idea. They make some random change that makes our job harder. I like your idea. Invert it. Press TAB to keep the text, ENTER to replace it.


This doesn’t really affect me, since I’m more used to using Tab than Enter.
However, I don’t like the fact that it keeps text, would it be:



The issue was that people who were trying to change the text without overwriting it:

local x = 1

then try to change it:

local x = <cursor here>1
local x = tbl.p<auto-complete suggestion here>1

and upon hitting TAB to complete they would get

local x = tbl.prop

which would get rid of the 1 which can also be annoying.

However the suggestion to keep the original shortcut of TAB to keep the text and change Enter to replace it should work.

I would also like to ask @Maelstorm_1973 – how often does this happen, and also, would you be OK with the TAB vs Enter workflow?

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I really liked how enter worked, and never really had problems with not wanting to autocomplete. It was simple as adding and removing a space which was fine.

Ultimately the change was made to make it easier to switch between other editors and Studio.

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@idevride It happens every time I autocomplete with existing text. Right now I’m double clicking the text to clear it the using autocomplete to enter new text.

FYI: I do use other editors like Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Android Studio, etc… However, I have plugins installed in those editors that enable VIM keyboard definitions like ‘i’ for insert mode or ‘a’ for append mode. It’s because I’ve been using vi and vim for 30 years and it’s what I’m used to writing code in due to being in a Unix environment. Windows/Mac editors use autocomplete, but vi/vim does not.

After consulting the team, we’re going to hold off on reverting this behavior. The goal was to make it easier to transition between the most commonly used editors and Studio and this is why we adopted the behavior of
Autocomplete then → Overwrite original text
Autocomplete then → Preserve original text

Having said that, the ability to properly customize of Roblox Studio keyboard shortcuts is something that we have on the mid-term roadmap.

Very well then. I guess that I’ll just have to deal with it. Thank you for your time and assistance.

Thank you for understanding. :pray:

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