The Sith Order - Codex


The Sith Codex

Written by Super_Aegis (inspired by RoseDomini’s Codex)
Also being edited by the Dark Council.

[1.0 General Rules]

Be respectful to everyone inside the group and ingroup game servers. This applies to hostiles, allies, visitors, all members regardless of who they are.

Hostiles are kill-on-sight (KoS) unless they are in their own spawn area. Do not harm them in their spawn as that is spawn-killing. Their spawn zone is indicated by a line on the map.

Visitors are considered protected from violence. TSO members are not permitted to harm Visitors unless a Visitor attacks them first. TSO members are to defend Visitors from Raiders.

Exploiting, flaming, glitching, spamming, advertising (that isn’t related to TSO), or other malicious behaviour will not be tolerated.

Swearing or discrimination towards another person based on their race, gender, orientation, or their belief system will not be tolerated.

Do not attack or kill Dark Honor Guard as their function is similar to that of the Military Police, they enforce the law. If you have any kind of issue with them please talk to the Wrath of the Empress.

The orders given by a Dark Honor Guard or a Sith high rank are to be non-negotiable and must be followed. Unless that order directly contradicts TSO rules or contradicts what an equal or higher HR has stated, otherwise you must follow the order.

Do not abuse any of the force gamepasses.

An example of abusing the Force would be to give yourself an overwhelming advantage within battle. Examples: Using Force Speed to cross the line, then Force Lightning, Force Cripple, or Force Choke (to kill somebody), and then Force Speed to run back to the protection behind the line is abusing the Force. Using Force Choke after death (which results in a glitch) is also abuse. Using Force Push or Force Pull to push/pull people into restricted areas or to harm them is also abuse.

If you are late to any kind of official group event, please don’t try to sneak in or attempt any other means of entry.

Refunds for gamepasses will only occur if the gamepass in question is malfunctioning or is broken. Refunds may be given by the discretion of the Dark Council or by Askavix himself, however no promises are made. Askavix has the final say in all refund cases.

Using the @everyone function or spam @mentioning individuals is harassment and will not be tolerated. Racism, sexism, discrimination, spamming, exploiting, advertising, will not be tolerated.

If you find anyone breaking the rules above, please report them to a Dark Council+ with evidence towards your case. We prefer that you report it to a Dark Councillor as the Empress is very busy.

[2.0 Ranking Guide]

Promotions are given when the requirements for said rank has been met. Falsifying any information to gain a rank within TSO will result in a lengthy punishment, based on the severity of the case. Failing a trial will result in a one week cooldown period. You may retry once the cooldown has ended. Also you may only gain ONE promotion per day, if you exceed this rule you will be demoted.

[What are Case Studies?]

A case study is a paragraph that usually contains around three to five sentences, in this paragraph you would write about a person, an event, or era, it also must be within the time era that the SWU use. These Case Studies may be used for ranks, gaining approvals, etc. Do NOT: Steal, reuse, or plagiarize any Case Study, if you are caught doing this you will be punished accordingly.

[What kind of events may we hold?]

Official Events: Combat Training, Lore Training, Rule Training, Raid Training.

Unofficial Events: Gamenights, celebrations, Warrior of the Order. These unofficial events may only be hosted by Dark Council+.

Other Events: Official Raids, and Unofficial Raids. These do not count towards promotions.

[How do I earn approvals?]

To earn an approval you must be given one of these following tasks by the person you are asking to earn an approval from.

Write a Case Study on a certain topic assigned by the individual. If the Case Study has no errors and it is well written, you may earn an approval.

Dueling may also decide if you are worthy of an approval or not. Showing great amounts of skill with a Lightsaber gives you a chance of an approval.
Complete an assassination contract that is given by the individual. The assassination must be placed on a MR+ Jedi.

Writing an essay may also be required, in this essay you must explain why you are worthy of the rank you are working for. Go into great detail about your accomplishments and other details as well, also explain how you can benefit the TSO.

Format: I, SuperAegis approve RevinaDomini for the rank of Empress. [07/06/2018].

[LR] Force Sensitive
Join the The Sith Order official group.

[LR] Sith Hopeful
Purchase and wear a Star Wars genre clothing, OR attend a Rule Training.

[LR] Sith Initiate
Complete one Rule Training, and one Combat or Lore Training.

[LR] Sith Apprentice
Acquire a Master (Sith Knight+) who then agrees to train you. You still must have been an Initiate for ONE day.

[MR] Sith Knight
Pass your Knight Trials. Which consist of the following tests:
Know the Sith Code.
Demonstrate competent Lightsaber skill, through three duels.
Must have been an Apprentice for one week.
Have a general understanding of how TSO works.

After achieving the rank of Sith Knight you may choose one of three paths, so that you may continue your journey. Only a Battlemaster may host trials.

[MR] Sith Marauder
I. Pass your trials, which consists of the following:
Know all seven Lightsaber forms in order.
Be able to describe all seven Lightsaber forms.
Be able to perform three lightsaber forms with excellent skill and flawlessness.
Show your Lightsaber skills by winning three out of three duels.
Write a paragraph on what a Sith Marauder is and what they should be doing.
Been a Sith Knight for three days.

[MR] Sith Sorcerer
Pass your trials, which consists of the following:
Know four Lightsaber forms.
Be able to describe two forms.
Be able to perform one form with decent skill.
Show your skill by winning one out of three duels.
Write three Case Studies.
Write a paragraph on what a Sith Sorcerer is and what they should be doing.
Been a Sith Knight for three days.

[MR] Sith Assassin
I. Pass your trials, which consists of the following:
Know five Lightsaber forms.
Be able to describe four of them.
Be able to perform two forms with good skill.
Show your skill by winning two out of three duels.
Write two Case Studies.
Write a paragraph on what a Sith Assassin is and what they should be doing.
Been a Sith Knight for three days.

[ADV] Sith Warrior
Good maturity level.
Is always willing to teach and help others.
Has good control over situations.
Good serenity and activity.
Follows all the rules accordingly.
Shows that they are always willing to solve things peacefully.
Has Co-Hosted one Rule Training.
Has Co-Hosted or lead one Gathering.
Has Co-Hosted one Combat Training.
Has Co-Hosted one Lore Training.
Challenge one Sith member of equal or higher rank and beat them in combat, you get three tries to do this and you must demonstrate more than above average skill.
Two Case Studies based on influential Sith.
One Case Study based on any topic related to our current era.
Been a Sith Marauder, Sorcerer, or Assassin for at least five days.

[ADV] Sith Battlemaster
Promising leadership skills.
Is always helping and training people.
High maturity level.
Great activity.
Good serenity.
Demonstrates amazing knowledge of lore.
One paragraph on what it means to be a Sith.
One paragraph on how a Lightsaber should be used as a Sith.
Write three Case Studies.
Co-Hosted two Lore Trainings.
Co-Hosted two Combat Trainings.
Co-Hosted two Rule Trainings.
Prove yourself in combat, through three duels, you must win all three.
Complete two made up scenarios that relate to raiders, rule breakers, AA, etc.
Earn ten approvals from Sith Battlemaster+.
Be a Sith Warrior for at least seven days.

[HR] Sith Lord
Excellent leadership skills.
Handles all problems appropriately, and uses their moderator permissions appropriately as well.
Great activity within TSO.
Three paragraphs on what they will do as a Sith Lord and how you will act and behave as a Sith Lord, and why you should have an opportunity to lead the order.
Host three Combat Trainings as a Sith Battlemaster.
Host three Rule Trainings as a Sith Battlemaster.
Host three Lore Trainings as a Sith Battlemaster.
Prove yourself through three duels once again, winning all three.
Write four Case Studies.
Pass three made up scenarios.
Earn five approvals from Sith Lords and five approvals from Sith Masters.
Be a Sith Battlemaster for at least fourteen days.

[HR] Sith Master
Extremely active within TSO.
Possesses outstanding serenity and control.
Outstanding leadership and problem solving skills.
Solves problems peacefully and effectively.
Amazing dueling skills when tested.
Amazing knowledge of lore.
Embodiment of maturity and discipline.
Over half of the current Council’s approval. Divide the number of Councillors by two, then add one.
Prove your Lightsaber skills once again, by winning five out of five duels.
Three Case Studies, two paragraphs, each on anything within the groups era.
An essay on why you should become a Sith Master, how and why you would help the group, and why we should choose you for Sith Master.
Host ten Combat Trainings, ten Lore Trainings, five Rule Trainings, all of these must of been hosted as a Sith Lord.
Complete many scenarios, proving that you have outstanding problem solving skills.
Been a Sith Lord for at least twenty days.
Must have taken at least five Apprentices in the past.
Must of supervised at least five trainings as a Sith Lord.

[R] Sith Elder
Retire as an active Dark Councillor.

[HR] Dark Council
Must be a Sith Master.
Must be in good standing within the Order.
Must be voted in by a formal Council vote.
May be handpicked by the Empress/Emperor via a special Executive Clause.

[L] The Emperor/Empress
Chosen by Askavix himself.

[3.0 Study Guide]

[The Sith Code]
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

[Lightsaber Forms]
Form Zero: Negotiation.
Form I: Shii Cho.
Form II: Makashi.
Form III: Soresu.
Form IV: Ataru.
Form V: Shien/Djem So.
Form VI: Niman.
Form VII: Juyo/Vaapad.

[4.0 Admin Guide]

[What is Admin Abuse?] All of your commands need to be logged.
Admin abuse is using the admin commands for anything that is beyond its purpose within TSO. This includes but is not limited to the following:
Any harmful commands used to hurt others is banned. (:kill)
Any command that forcefully changes others is banned. (:char)
Any command that takes away free will is banned. (:freeze) (:mute) (:control)
Any command that alters the game is banned. (:btools) (:gear)
Any other command that is not below will be considered AA.
(:nyan, :witchtrial, :blind, :party, :size, :kidnap, etc).
Do NOT use commands that target a mass group of people, especially if they aren’t relevant to what it is you are doing. Example: Using m: to talk to the Sith team when it notifies the DHG, Allied, Visitors, and the Raider team too.

[What commands may we use within TSO?]

:name (Should only be used for trainings and tryouts, otherwise it’s considered AA).
:clone (For trainings/tryouts/patrols only).
:countdowns (Only for trainings and tryouts, not for personal duels).
:re/:respawn/:bring/:to/:tp (Only use if it is necessary).
:ff (Only for trainings and tryouts).
:h (Use this for most directions).
:n (Don’t spam this command).
:setmessage (Only use this if you have a very good reason).
:team (Use this command appropriately, if you are seen teaming yourself to DHG when you aren’t a DHG you will be given a serious punishment).
:heal (Only use this for trainings, tryouts, duels, or trials, do NOT use this for actual raids).
:jail/:punish (Make sure to use these two commands only as a last resort, talk to the person before doing this, also remember to PLEASE clear your jail cells as they can clutter up the server).
:kick/:ban (This is again a last resort, try to talk to them first).
:view/:watch (Again only use if needed).
:freeze (Only use if you plan to set up a clone to display a message).
:age (Only for tryouts).
:to/:bring:/:tp (Only use if you need to reach someone immediately, do not teleport to the front lines or use this command to simply travel around).

[What commands are banned?]

:fly (Council+).
:shutdown (Need permission from a Council+).
:removetools (Need permission from a Council+).
:cape (Never to be used).
:noclip/:clip (Council+)
:repeat (Never to be used).
:btool (Council+)
:resetstats (Council+)
:change (Council+)
:fling (Never to be used).
:speed (Never to be used).
:blind (Never to be used).
:size (Never to be used).
:party (Never to be used).
:kidnap (Never to be used).
:kill (Never to be used).
:health (Never to be used).
:place (Council+)
:god (Council+)

[5.0 Training Guide]

[Combat Training]

Get all those who want to participate to STS and make sure to let them know that Permission to Speak (PTS) is in effect.

Go over all the Lightsaber forms, including Form 0, describe them all and then demonstrate each one of them.
Organize your attendees, then give them partners so they may begin with One vs One duels, make sure to have a winners and a losers line.

Pass those who did well.

[Rule Training]

Get all those who wish to participate into an STS, make sure to let them know that Permission to Speak (PTS) is in effect.

This is primarily for Force Sensitives. Go over all the rules in order, they will need to know every rule we have so that they make sure to abide by all of our rules, so they can avoid breaking rules they didn’t know existed.

Quiz the attendees on the rules you went over.
Pass those who did well and answered at least two questions correctly.

[Lore Training]

Get all those who wish to participate into an STS, make sure to let them know that Permission to Speak (PTS) is in effect.

Pick a topic that is related to our current era, then you will go over it with the attendees. You have to be very detailed, let them also know that they will have to answer quiz question as well. Make it around 5-10 questions.
Pass those who answered enough questions correctly.

[6.0 Division Guide]

Now that you know everything you need to know about becoming a Sith and all of the rules we must follow, we shall go over the divisions that are currently part of TSO.

[The Imperial Military]

Current Leader: J_oen. Joen - Roblox

The Imperial Military is the direct martial force of The Sith Order. It is under the direct command of the Sith Empress, but is overseen by the Minister of War. They are the main fighting force that the Sith Order calls upon when they go into war, utilizing extremely advanced weaponry as well as top of the range equipment and armor. They are a huge force to be reckoned with.

They are an open group and you may freely join them. To rank up within The Imperial Military you will need to show loyalty, obedience, willingness to learn and follow orders, as well as lots of activity. You could be called to battle/war at any time so you must always be prepared.

[Sith Inquisitors]

Current Leader: RenVerandus.

The Sith Inquisitors are a class of powerful force wielding fighters within The Sith Orders. The Inquisitors specialize in force abilities as opposed to martial might, they are masters of exploiting enemies and allies to further their own agenda.

They are assigned to hunt down their enemies in stealth like fashion, taking no prisoners and sparing no one. They have defeated their enemies countless times and always continue to strive for nothing more than perfection.

They are an open group, however to continue further down your path of becoming a Sith Inquisitor you must pass their tryout. You must possess great activity and strength if you wish to join, you must be intelligent and dangerous, capable of handling your own in fights even if the odds are low.

[Dark Honor Guard]

Current Leader: Super_Aegis.

The Dark Honor Guard, also known as the Imperial Guard or the Empress’ Guard, are a force of elite warriors who only serve the Sith Empress as her protectors and enforcers. The Dark Honor Guard is composed of entirely non-force sensitive individuals that are mentally bonded to the Empress, even the Dark Council fear them in every way.

These guards strike fear into the hearts of anyone that may come across them, known for having the best combat skills in the entirety of the TSO, they are an extreme force to be reckoned with. Only twenty of these individuals may exist at ANY given time, the rights of initiation are some of the most brutal initiation rights that anyone has witnessed or thought about before. They will stop at nothing to make sure the Empress is kept safe, if they fail their duty then they will either commit suicide out of shame or hunt down the people who killed the Empress out of revenge. Their base of operations are kept secret to the public unless you can pass their tryouts.

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