The Sith Sovereignty: Compendium

The Sith Sovereignty

Written by LukeSmasher


  1. Introduction
  2. Legislation
  3. Expectations
  4. Ranks
  5. Branches and Trials
  6. Masters and Apprentices


The Sith Sovereignty Compendium is an in-depth analysis of the group's principal system and legislation, intended to serve as a guide for its members during their time with us. The following document will detail how members are expected to behave whilst under the group's jurisdiction and, to ensure no member is left in the dark about how to progress, an overview of the group's system will also be provided.



The Sith Sovereignty Legislation outlines the rules all members of the group are bound to. Any witnesses of a breach in the Legislation are expected to report to a Sith Lord+, with evidence if possible.

The repercussion of any breach in the legislation for the individual(s) involved will vary, depending on the severity of the breach and the high-ranking member(s) dealing with the situation.


  • Members are to treat their superiors with upmost respect. This involved bowing in the presence of a Sith Lord+ and addressing them as "M'Lord" or "M'Lady."
  • Advertising content unrelated to The Sith Sovereignty is forbidden.
  • Discrimination or disrespect targeted towards any member based off their race, orientation, or any other belief is forbidden.
  • If a group event has already started, do not attempt to enter without expressed permission from the host(s).
  • Forbidden areas on games are forbidden for a reason. Please ensure you know where you are and are not allowed to go before wondering.
  • Harassment or provocation of any member is forbidden.
  • Visitors at our games are under Sith jurisdiction, and are to be protected from Hostiles. Attacking Visitors is additionally forbidden, unless in or trying to access forbidden areas.
  • Intentionally exploiting and bugs or glitches at any game is forbidden. If you find what you believe to be a bug or glitch, report to a Sith Lord+.
  • The appropriate uniform is to be worn at all times whilst representing the group at official events, or in a group game.



Whilst the Legislation defines set laws for members to abide by that will be monitored, the following behavior is what is expected of a member in the Sith Sovereignty who intends to push the limits and progress into the higher ranks of the group.


  • Members are encouraged to employ intelligible grammar and sentence structure, especially whilst representing the group during official events.
  • Members are encouraged to refrain from excessively using 'faces' (':)', ':D', 'XD, etc...).
  • Members are encouraged to stick to the use of either a red or purple blade.
  • Members are encouraged to refrain from using excessive accessories. Smaller, aesthetic items such as capes, pauldrons and masks are permitted.


Rank Class Requirement Time Requirement1
Sith Hopeful None Join The Sith Sovereignty Nil
Slave Probationary Sentenced to temporary slavery for committing a crime. N/A
Sith Initiate Academy (LR) Purchase Academy Robes and inform a high rank (Sith Lord+) or complete a training from start to finish without causing any major disruption. Nil
Sith Acolyte Academy (LR) Complete a training session from start to finish without causing any major disruption. Nil
Sith Adept Academy (LR) Complete two training sessions from start to finish without causing any major disruption. 3 days
Sith Apprentice Academy (LR) Be taken on by a Sith Warrior/Sorcerer/Assassin+ to be trained. 3 days
Sith Knight Sith (MR) Pass Initiation Trials. 3 days
Sith Warrior2 Sith (MR) Pass The Trials (for Sith Warrior). 7 days
Sith Sorcerer2 Sith (MR) Pass The Trials (for Sith Sorcerer). 7 days
Sith Inquisitor2 Sith (MR) Pass The Trials (for Sith Inquisitor). 7 days
Sith Blademaster3 Sith (MR) Co-host 5 trainings as a Sith Warrior. 10 days
Sith Executioner3 Sith (MR) Co-host 5 trainings as a Sith Inquisitor. 10 days
Sith Warlock3 Sith (MR) Co-host 5 trainings as a Sith Sorcerer. 10 days
Sith Overseer Sith (MR) Host a total of 5 academy trainings as a Sith Blademaster/Executioner/Warlock. 14 days
Sith Lord Sith Lord (HR)
  • Train 3 total Sith Adepts to pass Sith Warrior trials.
  • Host a total of 5 class trainings as a Sith Overseer.
  • Host a total of 10 academy trainings as a Sith Overseer.
  • Pass majority Council approval.
  • 30 days
    Darth Sith Lord (HR)
  • Selected by a Council member for outstanding activity and leadership skills.
  • Pass majority Council approval.
  • 30 days
    Dark Council Sith Lord (HR) Personal appointment by the Sith Emperor. N/A
    Emperor's Powerbase4 Sith Lord (HR) Personal appointment by the Sith Emperor. N/A

    1. Members may only be promoted once they have been in their current rank for a certain amount of time, in order to help prevent a top-heavy demographic. The 'Time Requirement' column displays how long members must wait in this rank before being eligible for promotion again, or taking trials that may result in a promotion.

    2. These ranks are class ranks, and are equal in authority and status.

    3. These ranks are advanced class ranks, and are equal in authority and status.

    4. Emperor's Powerbase rank encompasses both the Wrath and Voice, both of whom are equal in authority to each other and to members of the Dark Council, despite not being actual members of the Dark Council themselves.


    Academy Trainings

    Academy trainings are held for Sith Initiates, Acolytes and Adepts that introduce members to basic lore and combat training.
    Lore Training
    Lore trainings are intended to educate new members of the group about the history and philosophy of the Sith. These trainings may include, but are not limited to:
  • Lectures
  • Questions based on lectures
  • Exploring tombs and other monuments of Sith history
  • Combat Training
    Combat trainings are intended to enhance members' proficiency with a lightsaber and sculpt them into formidable warriors, as well as educate them on the theoretical principles of lightsaber combat. These trainings may include, but are not limited to:
  • Duelling
  • Lightsaber Theory (forms, Marks of Contact, etc...)
  • Classes


    To encourage diversity amongst The Sith Sovereignty ranks, members will be required to choose one of three classes that will determine their speciality.

    Primary Classes

    Sith Warrior
    The Sith Warrior is the front line of attack. Through relentless training in lightsaber combat, the Sith Warrior is a formidable opponent, often armed with a single blade to overpower enemies with brutal effectiveness.
    Sith Sorcerer
    Where Sorcerer's often lack the brute force and aggression of the martial-orientated Warrior, they make up for with their unrivaled mastery of the Force, utilising their expansive knowledge to unleash a barrage of devastating attacks on enemies.
    Sith Inquisitor
    Though often not as physically efficient as the Warrior or as powerful in Force attacks as the Sorcerer, the Sith Inquisitor is nonetheless as dangerous, choosing to take more of the middle ground than either other class; being capable to balance Force attacks with what is usually a double-bladed lightsaber in combat makes the Inquisitor a jack-of-all-trades class.

    Advanced Classes

    When ready to progress as a Warrior, Sorcerer or Inquisitor, members move on to their respective advanced classes as a Sith Blademaster, Sith Warlock or Sith Executioner respectively. At this rank, members are permitted to host training classes for academy ranks.


    Trial Details Reward(s)
    Sith Warrior Trial
    • Answer at least 8/10 questions on the 7 traditional lightsaber forms correctly.
    • Answer at least 4/5 questions on the 9 Marks of Contact correctly.
    • Display a competency in lightsaber combat through 15 duels.
    • Recite the Sith Code fully and with few grammatical errors.
    • Sith Warrior Rank
    • Force-Choke in-game
    Sith Assassin Trial
    • Answer at least 7/10 questions on the 7 traditional lightsaber forms correctly.
    • Answer at least 4/5 questions on the 9 Marks of Contact correctly.
    • Display a competency in lightsaber combat through 10 duels.
    • Recite the Sith Code fully with few grammatical errors and state the name of the Sith Lord who wrote it.
    • Describe one event in Sith history to a high level of detail.
    • Sith Assassin Rank
    • Double-blade lightsaber in-game
    Sith Sorcerer Trial
    • Answer at least 7/10 questions on the 7 traditional lightsaber forms correctly.
    • Answer at least 3/5 questions on the 9 Marks of Contact correctly.
    • Display a competency in lightsaber combat through 7 duels.
    • Recite the Sith Code fully with few grammatical errors and state the name of the Sith Lord who wrote it.
    • Provide an analysis of each line of the Sith Code.
    • Describe two events in Sith history to a high level of detail.
    • Sith Sorcerer Rank
    • Force lightning lightsaber in-game

    Masters and Apprentices

    At the rank of Sith Acolyte, members are entitled to be taken on as an apprentice to be personally trained by a more experienced Sith who has graduated from the Academy Training.

    Certain ranks, however, are authorised to take on more than one Apprentice at a time.

    Rank Apprentices Allowed
    Sith Warrior 1
    Sith Assassin 1
    Sith Sorcerer 1
    Sith Warlord 2
    Sith Master 2
    Sith Lord 3
    Darth 3
    Dark Council 3
    Wrath 3
    Voice 3

    Once a Sith Adept passes their Trials, they are no longer officially considered under their Master’s jurisdiction and tutelage, though a maintained relationship is encouraged.

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