The slightly low-budget way to create meshes in Studio only

Have you ever wanted to know if it was possible to make meshes in Studio… without using mesh software such as Blender and 3dsMax?

I, a regular developer, tried using Blender for the first time, and I quit quickly enough. Even if I would have gotten the hang of using Blender, my PC is pretty much low-budget and it’s running an Intel Core II processor, so of course I can’t run Blender without staying at 5fps.

But I discovered the great solution for me. If you did not know, Studio has this feature in the Explorer’s context menu called “Export Selection…”

You basically select a group of parts that you want to join into one mesh, export the selection, and you get this dialog:
Enter the mesh name, and select an area to put it in.

To import the mesh to Studio, add a new MeshPart into Workspace. Go to the MeshPart’s properties, and click the Folder icon next to the text box. This will allow you to import a mesh from your local storage. (.fbx, .obj)

Here’s an example with more instructions if this procedure is still unclear.

If you got the procedure correctly then congrats! You know now how to make meshes without using Blender and other software.

What is the purpose of this?
I wanted to try to make a mesh tutorial for those whose computers are currently low-budget and for those who think Blender and other mesh-making software is too complicated for them to use. This tutorial should hopefully help some people, because if you’re good at building, you can create meshes just out of ROBLOX parts and have them turn out wonderfully!

Before I end, one more example completely made out of bricks:

I literally don’t know what I was going for, but hopefully all your meshes are cooler than usual in the future, now that you’ve learned.


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