The smoke texture I was using is gone

I was using a smoke texture for the flame particle effects for my jetpacks and starfighters. I got it from the Fusion Gatling Blaster gear. Then today, out of nowhere, it gives me a file does not exist error. This is the url:


Plz bring it back :frowning:

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Use this instead



I think it will work, thank you! :slight_smile:

We recently migrated some old uncommonly used assets to the website out of the app. Things should have still worked as normal but maybe there was an issue with the migration. @Xsitsu would know more.

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smoke.png was completely deleted during the migration, but we can add it back in if people are still using it.


I would suggest just providing the file here, and OP can upload it and use that. Developers should not rely on assets in the ROBLOX install which are subject to change, be moved, or be deleted at any time.


It’s fine, wravager’s texture works instead, but thanks!

If that’s the case then I can just tell the client to point to this texture when someone tries to use the old one which should allow us to get this fix out faster. Thanks for letting me know.

Sounds like a good idea.

Are you going to do that every time the file structure changes in the install folder? That sounds like a hack. Using assets in the install folder was never supported to begin with. People should just upload the assets they want to use to ROBLOX – that way they don’t have to worry about it changing or being moved/deleted. I could understand if this was a widespread issue, but there’s no indication of that.

From what it sounds like, the asset AxonMega is using was taken from an old Roblox gear that points to a file in the content folder. The files in this folder are mainly used for things like CoreGui and textures for things like smoke and fire, but there are some cases where files that old gear use were present in this folder.

When we went through and were removing files from this folder we had to decide for each file if the file was safe to completely delete, or if it needed to be uploaded to the website so legacy gear/places wouldn’t break. For example, we were still shipping Roblox with the original comic sans font from when chat was done entirely in C++ and we were still shipping the old, old Lua script icon. We were also shipping Roblox with assets like GunCursor.png that all of the tools in old games like Crossroads and SFOTH use. None of the actual Roblox code base uses GunCursor.png, so we didn’t want it in the content folder that we ship Roblox with, but we didn’t want to completely break these old games either. To handle this, we removed it from the content folder, but uploaded it to the website and then told the client to replace rbxasset://GunCursor.png with rbxassetid://. This way, any old games would download this asset from the website instead and would still be able to work.

The gear that AxonMega is talking about is one of these old legacy gear that we don’t want to completely break. When I removed smoke.png my thought process was that it was only used by the Smoke objects and that this had been replaced with the newer .dds smoke file, so it should be completely removed, but as it turns out some legacy gear are still using the older smoke texture and need to be upgraded to point to the new one.

Maybe when I said “if people are still using it” I gave off the wrong impression. I should have chosen my words better. What I meant was “if some places/gear on Roblox are still using it”. If a developer was using the old BC hardhat icon that was in the 2010 leaderboard, then we don’t really care because that icon was only supposed to be used in CoreGui and we haven’t used it in years. However, if a developer took a piece of an official Roblox gear that was using the old smoke texture then we do care because this is legacy content that suddenly stopped working.


Ah, now I understand. Thanks for the explanation. You’re right that this is a good idea for legacy gear – hopefully whenever they’re updated (if they’re legacy they probably aren’t FE-compatible) that can be remedied and it can be fully removed at that point.

rbxasset://textures/particles/ rbxasset://textures/particles/ and rbxasset://textures/particles/ are hard coded as particles so I don’t see these paths changing any time soon. Just use these.

Paths may not change, but textures may.

These are hard coded in C++ land which means that there is no promise that they will keep working. Don’t use rbxasset:// paths in your games - or if you do, expect them to occasionally break without notice.