The Survival Game I am working on (Solo creation)

What are you working on currently?
So I am currently thinking of making a survival game. I have a Trello here to show what I have though so far.
What do you think? Any ideas to add? Mechanics? Advice?
Have a good night! :wink:

@SuguruDev, @EliottENAnnoucement, @ParkCityUSA


It’s looking good.

You have all the basic necessities for a survival game.

Maybe hidden around the map there are notes to where Ghost may be and when you collect all of them, his location on the map is revealed!

This kinda reminded me of ARK’s explorer notes


Cool i like the idea I’ll add that to the Trello tomorrow. (Just for your information Ghost is a person I just didn’t know how to name him)

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I love it, I might hop along and script it if its fine with you and if I feel like it!
Ty for the credits, and cant wait to see how it forms in the future.
(Trello looks amazing btw)

Thank you :blush:. Much appreciated and I would love you to help me not only scripting but also teaching! Thank you also for liking the Trello

I was fast and I could read it. Well see the Trello (if you didn’t already)

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I literally find this idea amazing! Of course you will need to script for this, but I’m sure you can do it! Ask me if you have a problem with the script, even if I’m not very good at scripting I’ll try to help you!

Btw thanks for the credits!

No problem with the credits! And thank you for helping. Have a great day :grinning:

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You too, have a nice day! But don’t expect I’ll can help you for sure 'cause to be honest I’m learning scripting, even if I’m ok with it

It doesn’t matter even the smallest thing for help is HUGE for me that I know practically nothing.

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probably change the category of this topic
this is not creations feedback
you’re asking for ideas, so put this under game design support

No I said what I am working on. I just added the suggest ideas

you need to post your creation.
Saying you did something does not prove you actually did it lol

I would really like to see an image or two, perhaps?

Are u trying to find a reason to flag the post? Just asking well it is a game that I am working working doesn’t only mean I have done progress in the game but in the idea I even added gameidea

no im not trying to find a reason to flag the post lol
I’m not that mean.

I’m not saying it’s not okay to ask for suggestions. In fact I do it too.
But what I’m saying is, you should just post some work or perhaps highlight that you are showing your game concept.

I’m not hating or anything, but just a thing to keep in mind.
I think the game’s concept is pretty good, ngl.

Ok I am not bad neither just asked. Thanks for liking the idea. But we’ll I suppose moving the post now is a bit late. Shouldn’t be flagged already tho?

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I didn’t flag it.
As I sadi im not that mean lol
99.99% of the time I just warn people lol

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Oh no I didn’t say you flagged it but just if it should be flagged by the moderation team already if it was in the wrong category. But ok. Also you are really kind for saying to others that they need to move the post. Goodnight

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The moderation doesn’t check topics that aren’t flagged.

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