The Teapot Hat is missing a part on the top

When you wear the item Teapot Hat you can see on top of your avatar it’s missing a piece of the pot, the tip of the teapot is also missing making it see through.

The view on the marketplace
Screenshot 2025-01-09 171835

The view of the item on an avatar

Expected behavior

It’s supposed to have the part on the top where it isn’t see through, just wondering if you can put the piece back in to finish it.


Saying how well known this mesh is i dont know if this will be liked

as a teapot owner anyways great find !, Ive seen this but never really cared but glad someone can bring up a bug

Be aware its been like this since it first released, i dont think this should be updated


I also own the item, to be honest it does kinda annoys me when an item isn’t fully there. I haven’t noticed it until two weeks after I bought it, but it seemed odd that parts were missing.


I feel like you guys should be posting actual bugs, not old items with weird meshes, fixing some of this type of stuff removes some of the charm from the item.


Considering old assets like the teapot (Astronaut Helmet for example) have gotten fixed and the team continues to allow these reports through without issue, it’s safe to say that these are considered bugs and I’m glad that the team is able to allocate time and resources into fixing and patching up stuff like this!


Yeah know what, why not, fix zombie teapot too

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I’ll look into some of the other teapots in the future, currently I’m just focused on this one since I do own it.

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This isn’t a bug. Decades-old classic items should not have their appearance altered in any way and should be left alone to preserve their legacy.

It might be a small change, but this hat was created in 2007. Classic hats like this are often defined by their imperfections, and since it’s been around for so long, changing the mesh ID could break scripts.

I’ve always hated how Roblox can occasionally update avatar items that have existed for years, on way too many occasions outright breaking existing items that millions of people wear. And now they’re going to start altering the appearance of classic items? When I buy an item, I expect it to look the same way as it did when I bought it, I never expected its appearance to suddenly change in the future.

I don’t understand why Roblox is suddenly crazy about “modernizing” classic items, possibly their worst attempt at this was when they tried to “upgrade” Classic Faces to Dynamic Heads. I’d really prefer the team to focus their efforts elsewhere.


I want to follow up on this: it’s understandable that these imperfections might be annoying to some people, but I feel like this could be fixed with UGC instead of having Roblox alter an item that has already existed for 17 years. I just don’t think Roblox should touch legacy items unless they were unintentionally broken by some update.

There’s already somewhat of a market for “add-on” accessories, where you can combine an “add-on” with what is typically another Roblox-created accessory, to slightly alter its appearance.

Someone could fix up the teapot mesh to seal the gaps, and then just sell the missing geometry as a UGC hat that you combine with the actual teapot hat. That way people who prefer the classic unaltered teapot with the missing geometry won’t be affected.


I second this. As an owner of the Teapot Hat, I’m not against the idea of fixing this completely, however I do believe it should be left alone as it’s been there for years and is now part of the item’s legacy and uniqueness.

Image taken from a 2012 build of Roblox, showing the Teapot Hat has always had the missing faces.


The only real concern I see is the change of the Mesh ID, but it’s such a minor chance , I don’t see how anyone would care that they fixed this.

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roblox could butcher the icon, the rest wont match, people will complain and it wont look right lol
Its not always the report that gets it wrong it can sometimes be roblox

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Why would I want to pay more for an add-on when I could just get the whole item changed a little and get the full item? I understand that the community has been mixed with the changes of the “Firefighter Helmet” and the “Astronaut Helmet”, but their changes haven’t impacted too much on the item. The redesign would “maybe” give it a little better look and also completing the look of the item overall.

I feel like “fixing” the mesh of the iconic Utah Teapot would be a little counter-intuitive. This is how the mesh has always been both inside and outside of Roblox.


Im with the rest of the comments, this shouldnt be changed because the missing part at the top has always been a staple of the hat

All they need to do to fix this is enable doublesided in properties lol
Screenshot 2025-01-12 122636

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DoubledSided doubles every single face and isn’t an ideal solution for performance reasons. It also wouldn’t work for R6. Even if this were to fixed (in-which given the response to this topic, it seems like that would be less than ideal for many people) it’d likely just be fixed via inverting / adding the faces.

The teapot mesh they used was not meant to be used with backface culling(aka double side off)


The precise fix to make the teapot hat visually better is to restructure the appearance of each face. In “Blender”, you can do that by using the feature “Recalculate Outside”:

If the fix uses the industry standard software “Maya”, you need to select the mesh, go to Mesh Display → Reverse:



This is true! I thought about mentioning it, but because it wasn’t the topic of the original post I decided against it. I’d be find to see this change, but as many older roblox accessories also have backface culling I dont mind either way. The Utah Teapot generally is double-sided though, yes.

And to address the concerns above of it being single-sided to avoid performance issues, that really isn’t the case for a mesh with such simple geometry. That being said, adding new faces would be a cleaner approach than just double-siding them all.

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