The Ultimate Dev Package - Cheap Cafe Setup Team [GFX, BUILD, UI, ETC.] [CLOSED]

About Me

Hello, I’m Symfunny! I am a detailed GFX artist on ROBLOX! Me and my friends put together a cheap dev package to help your cafe grow! Please expand the Information tab for more information on what is included in the package!


Expand for more information


We are available mostly everyday, but we do have school and work, we will notify you if we can not work on a specific day.


The price is set at a minimum of 15k and can go up from there depending on any extra requests.


You can contact us on Discord at matt#1618 , vaunt#2713 , or valk#0001


This looks like a high quality, affordable bundle being offered for Cafe groups who often have troubles hiring developers or issues with their budget. This is very affordable and it looks like you’re offering a good product.

Prepare for an influx of offers from a lot of interested owners who want to get the design aspects of their cafes sorted!


This is great! Affordable and high quality! If only someone would make a modern military package like this…

This looks pretty cool.
I’m guessing these are prebuilds?

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Looks amazing! One question though, will the build contain furniture or the equipment to make the food?

They are actually not pre-built! We have a builder who makes them as we get commissions. Sorry for the late response.

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The build may contain tables and chairs, but will not contain machines and such to make the food.

Don’t resell something I bought, sicking to see that.

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They said that the builder makes it as they get commissions. Also group logos are pretty much impossible to resell unless there is clones…