The Ultramodern Tune Capsule

Tune Capsule is a showcase, but it is also a radio tool and a future UGC clothing item. Tune Capsule is an accessory first and a radio secondly. This makes for a very powerful and immersive catalog item.

Tune Capsule was first developed on December 9th, 2018. It was originally created as a radio accessory for a game called Society Flaw.

Society Flaw is a cancelled game, but remnants of what the game was originally can be found in Painger.

A few years back, games were infamous for charging insane Robux fees for boomboxes. Some boomboxes were and, but they all charged WAY MORE than the price of any radios on Roblox’s Marketplace page.

My original answer to that issue was the Tune Capsule radio. Tune Capsule did and still does provide way more bang for your buck than any other radio pass or tool on Roblox.

On July 11th, 2019, I released six original capsule radios in the Tune Capsule series.
Tune Capsule was the base model capsule radio. It had the same functions as a regular radio tool on Roblox, but it also came with an experimental scrubber. Out of all of the capsules, this Tune Capsule was the only one that went without a volume changing text box. But in exchange, all the other capsules went without a time scrubber.

Tune Villain added volume, pitch, and limited reverb controls, but otherwise, everything else about it, other than the design, was the same as the Tune Capsule.
Tune Clear was a transparent version of the Tune Capsule. The sound effects for this capsule were supposed to emulate what “Transparency” would sound like. It had distortion and equalized effects, although in the Ultramodern Series, I’m highly thinking about changing these effects to something more suitable with the design.
This capsule was intended for people with great sound design knowledge to play around with. It had a lot of features and tweakable settings for what it was at the time. This capsule is perhaps my favorite out of the bunch because of its versatility and sleek design. However, this capsule had my least favorite UI design, because the UI for this capsule looks very clunky.
Tune Boosted was my least favorite capsule out of the bunch. From the name to the design, and even the effects, it was pretty underwhelming to me. It was suppose to be a bass heavy capsule with echo, but somehow I did pretty awful with the final design.
Tune Admin gave select players admin controls built inside the radio to moderate other players’ radios if they played obnoxious or inappropriate audio. It had a ton of cool effects to play with and it even allowed one player to kick other people off the server.

Even though these capsules were groundbreaking at the time for Roblox standards, they were extremely buggy, because I wasn’t as good at programming as I am now. I did everything by myself and was always in a rush to push my ideas before I lost them. I still do everything by myself as of right now, but I changed my approach by taking my time on one singular development task at a time, and I write down any ideas that come to mind. That approach has allowed these once cancelled games of mine to come back to life.

But here we are in 2024:
Original Tune Capsule in 2019 (Left) and Ultramodern Tune Capsule in 2024 (Right)
The difference is :new_moon: and :sunny:
As of May 2024, Tune Capsule is in a new era. The ULTRAMODERN SERIES.
This series is ideal for more simplicity yet far more power functionality than the previous version of the capsule radios. I’ve learned so much coding, texturing, and 3D modeling knowledge in the last 5 years, and this release will show it.

Upcoming Changes:
That’s right! No more hideous Roblox union operations. I’ve gotten so comfortable with using Blender in the last couple years. Whenever I want to create a new object, I go directly to blender as the primary option.

In the past, you couldn’t give Tune Capsules a skin. It’s been an ideal feature that’s been juggling in my head for the last 4 years. However, since capsules are now mesh parts, I can add different texture skins to the capsules for endless style. As of right now, all created skins are premade, but in the future Reimagined Series, I will allow players to add their own skins to the capsules without the textures looking distorted. Skins will only cost R$10 a pop, which can only be purchased in Tune Capsule!

There’s will also a new skins collection feature, where you can open all of your purchased skins saved in the cloud and change them anywhere on the platform.

Text Box
The text box is better than ever before. This functionality is fail-safe, which allows you to type anything in the box and not break the scripts in the process. There’s also a new hidden feature where you can type in commands to perform certain functions while using capsules.

Ghost Save Feature
If you type in something in the text box, leave it, and then re-enter it, your typed text
will be saved and ready to change until you clear it altogether. If you right-click the text box while it’s empty, the text box will pull up your last saved text. If you right-click the text box while there’s a text inside, it will instantly clear it.

Time Scrubber & Timestamp
Capsules now allow you to change the time position of a song using a slider to adjust it. You can also directly touch the scrubber itself to change the time position. A timestamp has been added as well to see how much time has lapsed since the start of the song.

This feature was limited as an experimental feature for the Tune Capsule in the past series.

Play, Pause, & Stop
The Play and pause buttons have been joined together rather than separated like in the past. The stop button is separated. A new Auto Stop feature exists now. The script will coroutine the time passed since your audio has been paused while still loaded. After 10 minutes, it will auto stop. After
20 minutes, it will clear audio, but still save id.

Star & File
The new capsules have a star button and a file button in the UI. The star button allows you to save your favorite audio IDs, and the file button opens a playlist window to access saved audio.

Skins Button
Change skins on the fly.

Sound Knobs & Switches
Just to make the UI a bit simpler yet compact in its design, I added sound knobs for numeric settings and switches for Boolean settings to replace the use of text boxes and buttons. Doing that just saves more space.

And unlike in the past, all the buttons are clear with colored outlines, making the buttons more visually adaptable to the splash art in the background.

There’s new visually striking splash art in the UI background for every capsule now. In the past, this only appeared for Tune Capsule. Every other capsule had color-only backgrounds.

You can also change the splash art to whatever image you can find on Roblox, and you can change its size to create patterns or backdrops.

This originally wasn’t possible in the Debut and Friends Series, but thanks to the new addition of the Roblox Cloud, I can possibly save information through there, making it possible to access skins and saved playlists across Roblox.

Scripts in the past were… passable. They worked, but one wrong input, and the script could work unintendedly or even break. There was also a lot of clutter, such as repeated used of variables and declarations, inside of these scripts.
The new scripts use protected calls, coroutines, and OOP modules to reduce errors and redundancy.

In the past, building the environment was the least of my priorities for this game. This left a lot to be desired for the environment. Now, I have a vision in place for how the environment will look.

The environment will change in real-time with what day of the year it is for the particular server. It will use Coroutine, Run Service and os.Date to dynamically change the season or holiday for the server.

A server script will detect where in the world the server is located and check the weather for that location using Coroutine, Run Service, and Http Service and to add weather effects.

Speaker Spikes
This minigame is making a comeback. Instead of using the 3D space and huge arcade machines that take up the server like last time, it will use a tiny arcade machine blender model and viewport frame. You can also just stand near the arcade machine, instead of sitting down like last time, as the seat part mechanic is pretty dated.

When you play the new version of Tune Capsule, it will feel like a breath of fresh air, and leave you feeling inspired when you leave. One goal that has always been pivotal for achieving with this project is influencing other developers to make more enhanced radio tools that match the current evolution of Roblox.

In the past, other than design differences, all the capsules were using most of the same effects, which provided little incentive to ever buy or use any or all of the available capsules. Certain effects and features have either been nerfed or removed entirely to give capsules more exclusivity between each other.

Tune Capsule is still the base model capsule, but there’s lots of differences. It received a UI overhaul. You can also save songs pressing the star button, which will add to the playlist
Every capsule from Tune Capsule to Tune Friday also comes standard with a song title display and scrubber bar to change the time position of the audio.

If everything functions as is once it makes it to UGC, you’ll be able to play and save songs across the Roblox platform.

Tune Villain allows you to change the volume, pitch, and reverb of the song. One cool thing to know is if you stand near someone who doesn’t have a capsule, or has a Tune Capsule, any audio that they’re already listening to will be truncated by your audio.

Possibly the infamous of the bunch, Tune Clear comes with equalizer and distortion effects to make the audio sound spacy. It also gives slightly enhanced benefits to the player. Some of these benefits include x0.01 Walkspeed and JumpPower/JumpHeight, *.01% regenerating health, and 0.1 Transparency.

Tune Boosted received a name change for this upcoming release. TUNE BOOM! This capsule turns up the gain and bass of an audio and adds chorus to make it sound spacious.

Tune Friday is ideal for DJs and sound designers to have fun with. Here are some of the cool features to come:

  • Change sound effects such Volume, Pitch, Distortion, Delay, Reverb, and Tremolo
  • Loop a certain section of the song
  • Play multiple songs together
  • Splice one song into another song
  • And the COOLEST feature yet, if you turn Remix Mode on, the capsule will listen in on the chat logs and if it spots any numbers inside of players’ messages that turn out to be audio IDs, it will instantly play that audio on its own, WITHOUT HAVING TO TYPE THE ID IN!
    All this new stuff whilst not taking up the screen like in the past. The new UI will have stacked Frames rather than having one frame with all the settings.

The only capsule that won’t be revamped - Tune Admin. Although it had cool admin controls like I mentioned earlier, it was just a glorified Tune Capsule with admin powers. Even down to its design, it was uninspired compared to the other capsules. But that’s not the only reason it’s getting booted in the rendition release. Since I plan on selling these capsules as UGC items, I have to scrap any admin control ideas, so the capsules don’t interfere with other games’ functions. I also have another capsule in the planning phase called “Tune Powerful”, a play on the words “Too Powerful”. This capsule will replace the Tune Admin and will be the most powerful capsule yet. There will be endless effects and settings that you’ll be able to play with. It will cost R$450, 150 more than the next priciest capsule, but it would be well worth it for all the functionality it possesses.

Tune capsules by default plays in Whisper Mode, which means it plays at 0.2 volume server-sided, out of respect for developers who don’t want gameplay entirely interfered with, but it can still play at regular volume for the client.
There’s a secret “:PartyMode()” call function that allows developers of other games to turn the capsules up at regular volume for server-side.
There’s also a “:Crossover()” call function that allows developers to add some abilities to the player for wearing a Tune Capsule, this feature is heavily whitelisted though. Both of these functions are inside a module script.

Sometime this year, I will be releasing the Ultramodern Series for sale.
When I iron out the bugs and upload to the UGC marketplace, you’ll be able to purchase a Tune Capsule for only R$200.
Here’s the pricing list:
Tune Capsule R$200
Tune Villain R$250
Tune Clear R$220
Tune Friday R$300
These prices are subject to change before the release.
But for now, you can test Tune Capsule and all of the available capsule radios for free here.

For years, while I was developing the Killemony Universe, I kept Tune Capsule separate from that universe and let the game be its own thing. The biggest reason why was because Roblox changed audio usage across the platform, which killed all my original plans and left Tune Capsule in an experimental state. Since then, I came back to the project just for fun and added A WHOLE LOTTA NEW FEATURES that were too fun to only be used in one game. I added nuggets to the game, which is confirmation that Tune Capsule is finally part of the Killemony Universe. However, many of the universal items and features in the Killeverse will not behave the same in Tune Capsule like they do in, since it is only a showcase and not a full-blown game. Tune Capsule has Killemony Immunity, which means it is exempt from the traditional norms for games in the Killeverse.

After the release of the Ultramodern Series, I will release the Overcharged Series. This series will include SEVEN new capsule radios that come with far more capabilities than those of the Ultramodern Series. A year or so from now, I will release the Classic Series. These capsules will harken back to the original designs of the old capsule radios, but it’ll be made in Blender instead of Roblox like it was in the past. A couple years down the road, I’ll release the final series, the Reimagined Series, which will aim to rid of any early development flaws made in the past and replace them with more polished designs and scripts.

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The Killemony Universe