The Vaktovian Confederation: Codex

The Vaktovian Confederation

These are the central guidelines to the Confederation and is up to date as of: 10/12/18. Within this document contains the laws of the Confederation, punishments, attire conduct, communications policy, and the officers’ codex.

Table of Contents
I - New Recruits
II - On/Off Duty
III - Laws
IV - Punishments/Due Process

I - New Recruits

Welcome to The Vaktovian Confederation, a united force that stands in opposition to tyranny and corruption. After years of injustice and corruption, the infamous Vaktovian Empire saw themselves divided. Those that sought after justice and virtue became known as Vaktovian ‘Confederates’, believing in a new vision for Vaktovia and swearing allegiance to a new Emperor. Those that wished to maintain the sphere of dominance and reign of the empire along with Vaktus’ will were seen as Vaktovian ‘Imperialists’.

The Confederation seeks only the most dedicated, loyal and disciplined of soldiers to service the Emperor in order to keep the dream of a pure Vaktovia alive. A community of tradition, truth, virtue and justice, we are our own sovereign nation, stretched along four of the Empire’s previous seven galaxies. Adhering to its old roots, the traditional triad was replaced with the trident to signify the creation of a new independent future, staying true to the three core values:

Duty. Obedience. Loyalty.


II - On/Off Duty

  1. If you are in any official Confederate uniform, you are on duty.
  2. If you are at any official facility or base concerning the Confederation, you are on duty.
  3. When using communication platforms such as Discord or Steam, you are on duty when speaking to an officer unless they state the chat does not concern the Confederation. This is to prevent individuals from tricking one another into breaking the law.
  4. Behavior is dictated explicitly by the commanding officer in charge. On duty, we are strict and serious while maintaining absolute focus for the task at hand. Off duty, we are more relaxed and casual, but this is no excuse for inappropriate behavior. We carry ourselves to a higher standard than most militaries.
  5. Whenever discussing the Confederation inside or outside our facilities, you are on duty. If there’s something you don’t like about the Confederation, you can seek the assistance of an officer or submit a complaint directly to the Emperor. Defaming the Confederation outside of our servers or with people outside of our ranks is the quickest way to get removed.
  6. When present on duty, you are to follow ALL the laws and regulations of the Confederation. No exceptions.
  7. NOBODY is above the law, regardless of their rank. If you see someone breaking the law, you are to compile evidence with videos/screenshots and send them to an Officer or General immediately.
  8. Your uniform and hat combo must be within regulation of Confederate apparel. More information on hat specifications can be found later in the guide.
  9. Whenever in the presence of an Officer, you are on duty, unless the officer states otherwise.


III - Laws

  1. Any and all higher-ranking Confederates are to be addressed as ‘Sir’ or ‘Ma’am’. Generals are to be referred to as ‘Lord’ before their name, and the Emperor as ‘Sire’ at all times.
  2. Professionalism and maturity is to be expected out of every soldier within the Confederation. While maturity can range depending on scenario and matter of opinion, immaturity is defined as acting in an inappropriate manner while on duty.
  3. Your primary group must be the Confederation. We are not a second-option group, we require full dedication and service from all our members. If you cannot grasp the important of this, you most likely aren’t worthy of our ranks.
  4. Inactivity is unacceptable without just cause. We explicitly have a zero tolerance policy towards individuals that fail to take our community seriously. A soldier that truly cares about their place within the Confederation will report his/her inactivity ahead of schedule.
  5. Faces and Emotes are strictly prohibited from being used whatsoever. No exceptions. The reason for this law is to enforce a strict standard within the Confederation.
  6. Having impeccable grammar and punctuation while on-duty is expected out of every soldier within the Confederation. This includes full stops, commas, capital letters, etc. You are expected to spell to the best of your ability so that there are no miscommunications. Few exceptions are made to this law depending on the scenario (Raid/Defense) in order to have speedy and efficient communications.
  7. Surrender is not an option – we would rather fight to the death before giving up our sovereignty. This shows that we are not weak; that we cannot be conquered.
  8. Respect is to be given to ALL soldiers and officers within the Confederation. Whether above or below you in rank, you are expected to provide immense respect towards all of your comrades-in-arms. In unison, we are everything, divided we are nothing.
  9. Confederate soldiers are NEVER to use all-caps. The use of caps is explicitly limited to Officers ONLY in case an order or command needs to be clear for all to see.
  10. Any Confederate soldier that deserts an official raid or defense is immediately exiled without question. Desertion is worse than surrendering, it is the ultimate sign of cowardice. If you just so happen to disconnect or have to leave for a real-life situation, notify the commanding officer in charge at the first given opportunity to avoid exile.
  11. Confederate soldiers are expected to ALWAYS be in Discord and in TeamChat unless the game mechanics prevent such communication or the officer in charge orders otherwise. Radio silence is often preferred in order to remain unpredictable when advancing on the enemy.
  12. Defending or Raiding against the Confederation – whether it be on an alternate account or not – is strictly forbidden. Any soldier caught doing so will be branded a heretic and punished accordingly.
  13. There will be no online relationships within the Confederation. As unnecessary as it may be to have to say this, it is expected you abide and are in accordance with ROBLOX’s Terms of Service (ToS). This law applies to both on and off duty events; no ‘dating behavior’ is permitted whatsoever. An officer will be dispatched personally if it is rumored or believed two individuals are dating.
  14. Negativity, destructive criticism, sarcasm, satire or anything that would degrade the moral value of an individual will not be tolerated whatsoever. In accordance with Law 8, you are to treat your peers with the utmost respect, never bashing them for their in-game performance or skill. Every soldier is a valued asset to the Confederation. Making someone feel unwelcome due to negative feedback will likely lead to exile.


IV - Punishments/Due Process

As a result of the mock-trials, harsh and unnecessarily long sentences imposed by our predecessors, the founders of the Confederation in agreement with the Emperor decided to have a fair system installed to prevent repeated mistakes and stop repeated offenders.

Due Process

  1. Every Confederate under investigation for committing a crime or violating a law has the right to a quick, fair and speedy trial within jurisdiction of the Obsidian Operative and Officer Council.
  2. Depending on the severity of the crime or violation of the law, the defendant will receive an appropriate and just punishment decided by vote/discussion of the Officer Council.
  3. Any punishment administered must be immediate (Within 48 Hours) and confirmed with the Officer Council via meeting, supervised by a General or the Emperor.
  4. If the situation calls for immediate reprimanding, the officer in charge has the right to immediately remove/mute the offender with just cause until he/she can be tried appropriately.
  5. In the scenario where the accused refuses to stand trial and wait for punishment, or a trial is unable to be performed, a suspension date will be issued and agreed upon by the council.
  6. Only Colonels+ have the right to motion for a vote for the officer panel to partake in. A complete majority must be convinced of the guilt or innocence of the defendant, with exception to Generals or the Emperor.
  7. If a General finds the accused innocent (or guilty) versus a majority vote, he must have a compelling case, with evidence, in order to contest the decision made for a revote. If another General is in attendance and disagrees with the contested evidence, the majority vote stands and the accused will be defined as guilty (or innocent).
  8. If the Emperor is in attendance of the trial and disagrees with the majority vote, the vote is automatically overturned. Unless the entire officer panel votes against the overturn, with the support of one or more Generals, the ultimate decision falls to the Emperor.
  9. The accused has the right to share his/her side of the story in order to better understand the situation at hand. This can be submitted in the form of a pastebin.


Depending on the severity of the crime, the following punishments are the only penalties that may be inflicted upon the guilty. This is not to be confused with on-the-spot infractions, but rather long-term sentencing to correct the offender without inequity.

Minor Offenses

  • Probation from raids and defenses for a few days, week maximum.
  • Mute on the Discord for a few days, week maximum. Activity is still expected, but you are prohibited from attending raids/defenses.
  • Must complete a disciplinary obby within a week’s time with screenshot evidence or face exile.
  • A formally written apology to the defendant/victim followed by an agreement to be on good behavior for the next 60 days.

Major Offenses

  • Removal of roles within the Discord for a few days, a week maximum. Prohibited from attending events.
  • Removal from the Confederation (applies to Confederate soldiers only), must go through the Vaktovian Auxiliary Corps (VAC).
  • Exile/Suspended from re-joining for a certain period of time.
  • Permanently blacklisted.

[UPDATED 10/13/18: Disclaimer - This document is subject to change under any circumstances.]

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