The Venetian Hotel Moderation Actions:
Here you will find all The Venetian Hotel’s Moderation Actions and Responses to rule breakers!
Moderation Actions:
- Trolling - Three warnings will be given and then banned for 48 hours.
An example of Trolling is disrespecting staff or guests in an absolute horrible way.
- Chat Spam - Three warnings will be given and then banned for 48 hours.
An example of Chat Spam is when you are constantly spamming in chat.
- Caps Abuse - Three warnings will be given and then banned for 48 hours.
An example of Caps Abuse is when you talk in all caps in a harmful or rude manner.
- Impersonating a Staff Member (Wearing Staff Clothes) - Three warnings will be given and then banned for 24 hours.
An example of impersonating a Staff Member is when you wear the Hotel Uniform while not a staff.
- Abuse of game mechanics - No warnings are to be given, you will be banned for 72 hours.
An example of abusing game mechanics is glitching in spaces and just glitching the game mechanics in general.
- Points Farming - No warnings are to be given, you will be banned for 96 hours.
An example of Points Farming is when a Staff Member is farming points by giving random people in the server rooms while they are not at the counter.
- Exploiting - Banned indefinitely as soon as you are caught.
An example of Exploiting is when you are breaking into the games system and ruining the game for others.