The visual scripting plugin | EventBlocks! [Most popular!]

I think Event Block will help me a lot. I am a very very bad developer and a plugin that make Roblox Studio look like Scratch is amazing !

The problem

Like I already said, I am a very very bad developer. So, my experiences don’t get a lot of Robux. When I get Robux, it’s often from pls donate games. And when I get Robux from pls donate games, it’s only 2, 5, and very rarely 10. Also my parents don’t want me to use real money for games. So, I can’t buy the plugin… I really need it, and I seen that the plugin was free when it started. So please, can you make it free during 1 day ? The plugin will help me so much.

My problem is exactly this but for a different price:

I joined @Xsticcy. Also I think your plugin is the best ever but I can’t afford it…

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Yeepee now I can afford the plugin because a very nice anonymous guy helped me ! I want to thank him so I do it here. Thank you so much !


Hope you enjoy the plugin!


I bought the plugin but I still thinking that you should make it free, I’m sure you already get a lot of Robux from your donation game…

Glad you bought it!

Anyway I still won’t sell my work for free. Also the donation game doesn’t get me a lot of Robux.


But a lot of noob dev (like me) can’t afford it (like me, until @Katrist help me) and really need your plugin (also like me)!

Is there any support for users to add their own modules to expand upon the capabilities of the EventBlocks and/or Node Editor? For example custom blocks or nodes. If so how easy is it to implement these features if I’m looking to expand upon it.

Glad you asked!
I’m working on that update. It will have a share option, custom lua and stuff. I just don’t have much freetime to work on it (because of school).


Totally understand that! Glad to see that you are working on this feature, even if it does take a while to actually implement. Looking forward to it! Love the the plugin so far!


I hate block coding with a passion, but ngl you did a very good job with this. For me, I hate block coding so personally I wouldnt be using this, but I have a few friends who want to get into coding but dont know where to start so ill definitely be showing this to them. Nice work!


VERYyyyy coool plugin, even though i was never great at scratch, also im happy im just seeing this plugin after u added all those updates i read through this whole page, and is there pathfinding now or no?


This plugin is a bit harder than scratch ^^


I cant wait until custom nodes are introduced, at that point i will be definitely using this plugin into my workflow



Custom Blocks, block sharing!

Hello everyone!
Today, I’ll introduce you the biggest update of EventBlocks, ever.

Block editor

From now, anyone can make their own blocks using the block editor. You need LUA knowledge to understand it, but it’s really useful.

To open/close the block editor, click on the “editor” button at the top:

A little tutorial

Click on the “NEW BLOCK” or the “NEW VALUE BLOCK” to make a new block.

You can change any text in the block by double-clicking on a text.

You can arrange inputs by holding the left mouse button on them and moving your mouse left and right.

To add inputs, click the “Add input” button.

To remove inputs, click the “REMOVE INPUT” button below any of your inputs in the “Inputs” list.

Please tell me if you don’t understand something

Custom blocks inventory

Once you have a custom block, click the “Add to inventory” button to add it to your inventory.

Blocks in your inventory won’t get lost when you close Roblox Studio.
To remove or just view the blocks in your inventory, click the green backpack icon at the top:

EventBlocks Online

The biggest part of this update is EventBlocks Online, where you can share or install custom blocks made by you or others.

To open EventBlocks Online, click on the green globe icon on the sidebar.

Now, the plugin asks for you to Sign In to, or Sign up your EventBlocks account.

How do I Sign up?

Your username should be automatically filled in, if not please enter it.

Enter a password to the Password field (make sure you remember your password, write it down somewhere!).

After that, you’ll get a new screen telling you to join the verification experience.
Copy the link to a web browser and join the experience.

Once you’ve joined enter your EventBlocks password into the password field in the experience.
If you did everything right you’ll get a big checkmark on your screen telling you that you can Sign in.
You can leave the experience now and click the Sign in button in the plugin.

You’re done!

The plugin will remember you, so you don’t have to login everytime. In case you don’t want that, click the “LOG OUT” button at the top.

How do I install a block?

If you are logged in, you can:

Just click on the block you want to install and click the “Add to my Inventory” button

Other features

You can like/dislike blocks with these buttons:

See a user’s profile by clicking on this button (the text may not be the same):


Not every feature may work as intended. Please report every bug you encounter and feel free to ask if you don’t know something!

Install the plugin:


you now have to make less updates cause of the update

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Yeah a new update! I’m happy :slight_smile:
Good work @Xsticcy! Continue to offer us good updates like this one!


@Xsticcy, for who don’t have and can’t afford the plugin, can you make the plugin free for like three days?


Maybe he could even make a demo version


Yes. The principal reason of why I ask for promotions sometimes is that when you see that the plugin was free at start, it’s demoralising, especially when 100 is a lot for you.

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