The whole model is looking at the mouse position and not only the head

-- Services
local LocalPlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

-- Locals
local DummyModel = game.Workspace.Map.Lobby:WaitForChild("Avatar")
local Head = DummyModel:WaitForChild("Head")

local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse()

-- Code
	Head.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(Head.Position,Mouse.Hit.Position)

I want so the head only looks to the mouse position and not the whole body, dunno why this is happening.

Another problem is that he is looking where the mouse is pointing to but I want him to look exactly where the mouse is which is to look at us but to be honest, the priority would be the fix of the body not rotating together with the head.

You’ll need to move the head using inverse kinematics rather than using CFrame, this tutorial video from 5uphi should explain what you’ll need to do (25:53 is when the video starts talking about this, but I recommend watching the whole video if you wish to learn more about IK):

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May be an issue with the joints. You should probably use the IK method, but changing the CFrame of the Motor6D for the head should also work.