I was wondering how much this pickaxe would go for. The mesh has less than 10k triangles. This weapon is fantasy inspired.
Easily 750 robux. It looks incredible!
Wow! I can easily see that in the setting of a professional game. Some would even buy it for 1k, probably.
Around 1-1.5k!
Wait… How did you make me!?!
you get it cause I’m scythe Slayin and that’s a scythe. ok whatever forget it I’m not funny.
Definitely worth around 2-5k, don’t go lower.
I’d say this is worth around 1k to 1.5k
Cant really see much of the handle with the black background, can you send another image?
Honestly, I would set the worth around 5k (Robux) for this since the quality is better than the usual 2k low poly models. Is the black part also smoothened out? Looks like it, since the edges look amazing as well.
The black parts are smoothed out. It’s for sale at https://devforum.roblox.com/t/selling-neon-red-scythe-price-lowered/390038/7
To me it looks on spot and looks very cool! I’d say around 1k - 6k.
My opinion:
Worth - 4k
Could sell for - 1.5k