TheBloxxy_Dev UGC Portfolio

I would have to say my favorite is the hammer and nail, it looks great!

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These creations are really awesome! :hushed:
you should definitely apply to be a UGC creator because you are really talented at this stuff.
My favorite was probably the hammer and nail one! Looks like something I’d buy. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I got it uploaded! (well without the beat part because of the 1.2k vert limit.) and I used your description XD
(thx to @Space_WaCe for generously uploading it)

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Nice! Good job! I love your ideas! How do you get them?

my ideas you mean? (adding this to get to the character limit)

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Yeah, how do you get your ideas?

just trying to figure out what’s not on the avatar shop or what could be made better I guess. or just whatever I feel inspired to make by the things around me :slight_smile:

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Oh ok, thank you for the tips.

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Just Submitted my application a few days ago! Hopefully I get in! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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If you get into the ugc program, I’m totally going to save up robux for you to do a commission!

ok! XD
Ill let you know if I get in then!

two more concepts have been generously uploaded by @Exarpo

(all three uploaded UGCs added to the original post so they are at the top :slight_smile:)


My application was accepted! Thank you everyone for your support!


I know this is kinda late but I just found this post and thought I would congratulate you.


Bro your application was accepted after 5 months from submitting it ?

I hope I get the same response as well for my application, haha. Unfortunately, it seems it will be another 3-4 months away for a response.

Do continue to share your new stuff here if you can. I enjoyed seeing your past works!

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