*sorry if put in wrong topic
So @infiniteRaymond made a script in order to stop some bot the script has to put in serverscriptservice here is link to post Is their a way to ban certain player from a part of their name? - #3 by king2hamsters recently their have been bots coming into game and sending scam website and a way to stop them is to use this script (btw anything after Catbot_ is usually a bot)
if string.find(player.Name, “catbot_”) then
player:Kick(“You’re banned from this game. Reason: Username is banned.”)
It does not solve this entirely, only those with catbot_ in the name.
You give a ban reason, which tells the exploiter just to change their name.
In addition to that, I should point out the large number of grammar issues, and the fact that even if this resource was usable, this would go in Community Resources.
I complete get what your saying @iGottic and agree with you scammers *not exploiter would change their name but, this script is only temporary. I bet you in the next couple of days they would change their name nevertheless it would drop in active scams. If we could as developers to make script in order to stop scams…We could make a impact. (btw I think it should be I tutorials so people can learn)
The last solution *That I come up with was in our to stop ever bot without human assistance would be a random captcha made by use developers to check if their bots or not. This could be custom and I will make a forum post about that here
Btw @iGottic The main reason that I post this post was that the scammers making the bot were kind-of shall we say not-smart with their decision in order to start their name with catbot_