Thematic - Script editor theme suite (WIP)

Hello! This is a plugin that I have been working on here and there for a while, as I’ve grown tired of manually fiddling with studio settings whenever I feel like trying new script editor colors.

At the moment, this plugin is lacking in terms of theme quantity, plus a few features such as custom theme saves and the search system are being reimplemented. Still, I wanted to see what the general interest level in more comprehensive theme tooling would look like by releasing what I have to show at the moment. Think of it as more of a proof of concept… but I promise to seriously deliver on these ideas in updates shortly!

Current Features

  • Sleek navigation menu.
  • Generative script editor theme previews.
  • Select from curated themes and apply new colors to the script editor.

In The Works...

  • Searching and sorting functionalities for theme presets.
  • Saving custom script editor theme configurations as additional presets.
  • Docked widget for editing saved themes while viewing the script editor.
  • Automated theme generation based on user input.
  • Settings options for those who would prefer to tweak how the interface looks and interacts within Studio.

I know other plugins tackle similar challenges already, but I’m hoping to take it further as I cross these features off the list. If you’re interested, give it a try and let me know what you think. :slightly_smiling_face:



Really cool, and surprised nobody else has done it this well before.


looks great so far

im pretty sure the one tyridge77 made is like down or something cuz it keeps saying “Can’t load themes. Try again later”

so if you end up adding all the listed features and a truckload of themes, then you’ll end up with a great plugin :slight_smile:

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Repaint | Personalize your script editor This one is pretty well made and probably the best I have used so far

Just a heads up currently whenever I try to click on the button the main module init experiences a error, and won’t let me start up the plugin.

Awesome stuff, was looking for a replacement for tyridge’s plugins ever since the server went down :slight_smile: thanks for this!

Looks AMAZING, 10/10 can’t wait for more updates!!!