Repaint | Personalize your script editor

Repaint | Personalize your script editor

Repaint fixes nonintuitive setting of Roblox’s Script editor. It add new editor that have been entirely redesigned and archive you can save and share your script editor themes.

Get Plugin: Creator Hub


This new editor can show preview color of most things including intellisense’s color
and settings are renamed and grouped to category so It should be easier to find.
there’s also colorpicker and filter.


This is where you can save and share your themes. you can favorite a theme favorited theme will always appear on top. I also added several themes in the plugin already.
lastly there’s a recent tab which plugin going to save last theme right before you change it with editor here.



This plugin is intended to be update to one of my old plugin but There are too much difference so I make another one, I’m sorry…"


Looks better than some of the others I have seen. Well done

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why does this need access to httpservice?

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I cant save table to plugin:SetSetting() so I JSON Encode and Decode it

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First Update!

  • Fixed TextBox of color properties clearing itself once clicked
  • Fixed TextBox of search bar clearing itself once clicked
  • Added Hue slider that alter entire hue of theme
  • Added Magic button that reverse entire color of theme

I also added example gif to the post

Second Update

new stuffs

  • Added button to switch Studio Theme
  • Added several hue sliders which only change specific group of property
  • Added Undo/Redo button, it saves last 30 changes
  • Added Wildcard Randomizer which random all colors without any rule
  • Plugin finally have It’s icon


  • Fixed prompt inside Archive, it close itself after 15 seconds now, if you don’t press anything
  • Fixed Hue slider, it was altering RGB value before, not Hue, my bad
  • Renamed and moved few settings

Changed preview gif in the post


Cool plugin. What are you supposed to do with the theme string tho?

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Its for sharing themes
In archive you can see theres textbox below search bar
It said Insert Theme… I think

you can put that string here to add to your archive

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This plugin deserves more recognition. It is difficult editing the studio colors on the default settings, and this plugin makes it very easy to visualize. I also really like the hue offsets. Very useful and I would definitely recommend.

One thing I would suggest: perhaps the ability to change the font through the plugin?

Great work!


Been using this for a while and I’ve loved it, great work!

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Unfortunately I think Its impossible right now
I wonder if theres workaround?

Not exactly sure if it’s a problem with the plugin or studio (never had this before till I tried changing my theme with this plugin) but my theme resets to what I had before everytime I press play

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I’ve been trying to replicate your bug 3 times now, It doesn’t really reset for me
mind letting me know what plugin do you have or give me more detail of what you’re doing during that?

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yeah ngl i have no idea what went wrong, it mightve just been a temporary studio bug as it happened with other plugins, got fixed the next day

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Plugin are basically finished, Im not sure what I can add anymore
so if you happen to have suggestions please tell me

Hey @Huonzales!

I want to try out your plugin as I just realized people have done this kind of stuff for Roblox’s editor.

Im trying to get it but It says I don’t have access, have you removed it?

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My plugin seems to get removed, I’ll reupload it later after I take a look at why and fix it