Theme Request [Dark Graceful]

Why add this new theme?

Themes are a fun way of allowing the user to customize their experience on a website or game

Currently, we have a total of 4 themes. Most people prefer a darker tone so we usually go for a dark theme although everything seems so blocky and sharp. Something more Modern but dark would be amazing, I tweaked with the Graceful color scheme a bit and came up with this result

I personally think this looks really cool and would be a nice new theme design


I literally am using the Dark Graceful theme right nowā€¦?

Weird, I donā€™t have that.


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Thatā€™s weird. Maybe it could be like a beta or something but I donā€™t quite know.

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Are you sure that isnā€™t a custom CSS style? The fact that the devforum text is still dark leads me to believe that it doesnā€™t change the color correctly. Pretty sure forum admins would have correctly accounted for this.


I donā€™t think it isā€¦ and maybe because it might be a beta, idrk because i donā€™t think a theme would be in beta because itā€™s just a theme.

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Iā€™d assume its something on your side as I donā€™t have access to it and Iā€™m in the Beta Program and Iā€™ve opted into a few other systems as well for roblox.


If you have the flag ā€œForce Dark Mode for Web Contentsā€. With grateful, it looks like that, I use that in that exact way.

It would be lovely to have that option, even if the flag handles things pretty well, thereā€™s parts of websites or full on the entire page gets corrupted with that flag on.

Dark Gracefulā€™s great


A little while back, a theme went missing and I forget it, and I really miss it. It had some design on the sides with a full black body.

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That theme was removed because it wasnā€™t being worked on and kept breaking.

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I never had a problem with it!

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I donā€™t have it too, maybe you have an add-on or something like that?


Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a Chrome Extension or something.

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i think its bad bc the grey looks more cool

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Roblox have said they are likely to never add a new theme and in-fact they are likely to deprecate anything but ā€˜lightā€™ and ā€˜darkā€™.

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Thatā€™s really dumb, they took away good themes and now that only want the really boring ones?

Iā€™m not sure how itā€™s Robloxā€™s fault that the theme authors donā€™t actively maintain the themes? Having broken themes available would be pretty awful.