Theme Request [Dark Graceful]

Why add this new theme?

Themes are a fun way of allowing the user to customize their experience on a website or game

Currently, we have a total of 4 themes. Most people prefer a darker tone so we usually go for a dark theme although everything seems so blocky and sharp. Something more Modern but dark would be amazing, I tweaked with the Graceful color scheme a bit and came up with this result

I personally think this looks really cool and would be a nice new theme design


I literally am using the Dark Graceful theme right now…?

Weird, I don’t have that.


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That’s weird. Maybe it could be like a beta or something but I don’t quite know.

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Are you sure that isn’t a custom CSS style? The fact that the devforum text is still dark leads me to believe that it doesn’t change the color correctly. Pretty sure forum admins would have correctly accounted for this.


I don’t think it is… and maybe because it might be a beta, idrk because i don’t think a theme would be in beta because it’s just a theme.

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I’d assume its something on your side as I don’t have access to it and I’m in the Beta Program and I’ve opted into a few other systems as well for roblox.


If you have the flag “Force Dark Mode for Web Contents”. With grateful, it looks like that, I use that in that exact way.

It would be lovely to have that option, even if the flag handles things pretty well, there’s parts of websites or full on the entire page gets corrupted with that flag on.

Dark Graceful’s great


A little while back, a theme went missing and I forget it, and I really miss it. It had some design on the sides with a full black body.

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That theme was removed because it wasn’t being worked on and kept breaking.

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I never had a problem with it!

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I don’t have it too, maybe you have an add-on or something like that?


I’m guessing it’s a Chrome Extension or something.

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i think its bad bc the grey looks more cool

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Roblox have said they are likely to never add a new theme and in-fact they are likely to deprecate anything but ‘light’ and ‘dark’.

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That’s really dumb, they took away good themes and now that only want the really boring ones?

I’m not sure how it’s Roblox’s fault that the theme authors don’t actively maintain the themes? Having broken themes available would be pretty awful.