There's a red dummy I can't get rid of

So there’s this red dummy in the workspace that I can’t select, and when I delete everything in the workspace, it doesn’t even delete it. Does anybody know why this is happening and how to get rid of the dummy?

Also, I have shut down roblox studio 2 times and it isn’t getting rid of it.

Here’s a screenshot of it:

The model is probably locked. Maybe unlock it using the lock tool in the home section.


That sounds like a malicious plugin, can you send the links of the plugins you have?


Yeah, I forgot those things existed still. You should always be careful about what plugin you install. It’s very dangerous these days.


It’s solved now. It was a moon animator ghost rig that was… Parented to the camera apparently?

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I found out what happened but thank you for trying to help. Although I will be aware that there are malicious plugins out there

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