TheUndertaleDev - Scripting Portfolio

About Me

Hello there, I have been a scripter on Roblox about close to a 2 or 3 years.
And I am 14 years old.

note: This hasn’t been my only account I’ve scripted on.


You can see one of my games that are public here: Unknown Battle Game (ALPHA) - Roblox but that’s some of my older work so I can do a bit more than just that.


I am available mostly though out the week and weekends but if you contact me I should get to it within a day or 2.


My preferred payment method is Robux, about 10 though 1k Robux.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or on Discord TheUndertaleDev#2423 though messages.

Thank you for taking your time to read this!

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