How to revert the Roblox website font! [Extension]

this font looks like arial imo lol
rlly doesn’t fit

this font is absolutely terrible, they could choose any other BUT this one

youll get used to it. everyone hated gotham when it was plastered all over the website

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the new font looks so odd ;-;

I think the Builder font looks great in games. But for some reason, it looks crudely made in the websites…


Exactly. Additionally, people say they have trouble reading it… sure, it’s condensed, but you can still read it.
Everyone disliked the ~2014 website layout change. Why? Because it was new. We got used to that, haven’t we?
Then, the 2023 CoreGui change. Everyone disliked it at first, but now you rarely see people whining about it for Roblox’s attention.


Complaining because you can isn’t something you should normalize, you have no real reason to act like a child besides “I don’t like it”, it’s fine, you don’t own Roblox, remember that.


Am I the only one who likes the Builder font? Lol.

It just seems like one of those features where people will complain because it’s something new but will get used to it quite quickly and like it eventually. Only time will tell, though!


That font looks horrendous :sob: :

this happened today which made 22.1k look like 221k players.


Yeah, they changed it. And honestly, it looks worse than what they showed off. I really do not approve of this new font. Everything is joined together, and can be an issue for some people as they may struggle to tell what’s what. Hopefully things get better overtime (and hopefully THEY DONT BRING THIS TO THE DEVFORUM) and we will begin to get used to it.

Update: I don’t know if this is related to the new font, but the images for the like and dislike button is just missing.
You can still click in where they originally were to rate a game, but visually, they don’t exist anymore.

Games need some color to be cool.

This seems pre-2017. The font might fit better if they tried to find a better sizing. It looks off. Also seeing thick bold for a long time made seeing a light bold feel different. I do hope they revert

No difference with 221 and 22.1K at all :grinning: Didnt get it until you mentioned it. I guess it is a way to motivate developers

They can’t. They have to choose a different font or use this.

Well then I can hope atleast they choose to go with a similiar one


If you have the money to afford other stuff, you have the money to afford a font to use, that’s no excuse.

I get they are trying to make it look either more “professional” or some other theme. But it just sucks, it literally looks like someone drew words with a pencil. Or is it just me? Hope they change it back or something better.

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To me it looks like they picked the lightest font type of their own and the font looks squashed with almost no spacing in between, or the letters not wide enough.

This is god awful, I need Gotham back, if they can afford other stuff, they can afford a font, not a good excuse coming from them.

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