The auto-generated smooth terrain comes out very thick (vertical size). There are layers of magma, rock etc. which are not visible to the player and serve no purpose in my game - I am not allowing explosion craters etc. So there are many more voxels than actually needed.
Does the thick terrain take a toll on the loading time and performance? Does it make sense to manually remove the unnecessary regions of the terrain to improve it?
I imagine the extra terrain would take more to process, but not much.
If you are pedantic about efficiency then I would recommend removing large chunks the player should not be able to see, thought it may only help slightly.
In my experience client side lag occurs mostly from excessive part detail and scripts.
Hope this helped!
Yes, I believe terrain has its impact on performance.
A vast amount of unneeded terrain may not be the best for users with low-end devices, especially if the map itself is big.
Yes terrain has a large impact on the game’s performance. If you’re using a lot of it, it’s wise to delete the underside of it (as much as you can).
Thank you all. I cleared (filled with air, that is) 2000x250x2000 studs of terrain and so decreased client memory by 30 MB.