Things far away not loading,

I recently realised that the buildings in my map do not appear when I am far away but as I get nearer, it starts to appear. How do I make it so it fully loads and I can see everything?

When I am Far

When I get Closer


Tried changing Field Of View but still doesn’t load

This is dependent on your quality level, whether streaming is enabled, and there is also just a hard cutoff distance at which objects are no longer rendered (far clipping plane, something like 5k studs away I believe?). You can enhance the distance by upping your quality level and turning off StreamingEnabled on workspace if it’s enabled, but keep in mind the consequence of that is performance being reduced (potentially). It will also vary per device and user settings.

Is there a way to set default quality or at least make everything load when player first joins?

No, you can’t force a certain quality level, that’s a user setting. I guess you can tell users to turn it up, but what if a user’s device can’t handle a higher quality level? Wouldn’t you rather have them see the map piece by piece rather than not at all in such cases?

It doesn’t seem very nice though… I heard that there is a script to check if player’s graphics are low?

This is what I suggested in the previous post. I do not recommend blocking people with low graphics settings from playing, this will cost you a lot of players.

I was thinking of making a gui notice that players should turn up graphics if possible

Haha im so lucky, roblox just made an update where draw distance increased from 5k studs to 100k studs so you can see further! :slight_smile:


pretty sure thats only for studio

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Actually, it’s in-game aswell.

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even when graphics are set at 1? isn’t there a performance loss?

Haven’t noticed any, it’s pretty cool.

Roblox does some sort of chunking system based off of the mass of the items loaded and the distance they are from the camera, regardless of the max render distance. Larger single parts tend to stay rendered on all graphics levels. Think of it as a quota: Roblox will only load 5000 (I’m just making this number up) parts at a time on the lowest graphics level, but might load the entire map on the highest level. It prioritizes large parts and close parts.

Here is a thread I made forever ago where I found out some workarounds for this problem.