Third parameter name for Plugin:CreateButton is bad

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to immediately understand what Plugin:CreateButton’s third parameter “iconname” means in either intelligent code completion or documentation. The parameter refers to the content string that should be used as the PluginButton’s icon but this isn’t immediately apparent without reading something or prior familiarity with plugin development.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because the parameter’s name in intelligent code completion and documentation would be immediately apparent in that it’s expecting a content id to use as the button icon. The current naming doesn’t make much sense and to anyone who hasn’t read any documentation or is new to plugin development this parameter seems redundant of the text parameter (not that text is particularly clear either).

I don’t think “read the documentation” is an apt counterargument in this scenario. Parameters should be clear in what they expect and “iconname” is not sufficiently clear.


It’s weird that it’s not the correct type of casing across everything else. That might just be a nitpick but, inconsistency in that area feels very weird. iconname instead of IconName.