Third Party Avatar Creation: Importing GLB Files Through Code

I’m trying to use Ready Player Me, an avatar creator that can be integrated on multiple game engines, on Roblox. I’ve figured out how to find avatar data, but I have no idea how I could import GLB data (3d models) into physical models in Studio.

I’m thinking that the only solution is using Editable Meshes, but I really don’t want Roblox to have my personal data since I have to verify I’m 13+. Is there a safe workaround to this?

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local apiEndpoint = "https://[DOMAIN]"
local userID = "USERID"
print(apiEndpoint, userID)

local response = HttpService:GetAsync(""..userID..".glb")

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Maybe instead of using the ready player me thing, you can make a character customization system similar to it and just use the meshes and turn it into a model


Maybe you can like get the most popular/best ones and say “Choose a character”


Thank you for the help! :>

I’ll probably use premade avatars, import them, and allow the player to edit clothing items later in the game.

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you’re welcome and happy I could help

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