"Third Party transfers"

I have recently done an experiment in my game: I allowed the option “Third Party Transfers” because i wanted the players to transfer in an other game that i owned. After i had published my game and i tried to play it, i couldnt even see it; instead i was instantly teleported to an unknown game(not mine). Does anyone know what happened?


Yeah. You have a Backdoor in your game. These backdoors teleport you to other games so that those games get more visits. There are three ways to remove a backdoor.

1. Search “script” in the Explorer Search Bar and look through each script and remove one’s that are not familiar.

2. Turn off Third Party Teleports. If you are teleporting players to your own game, you do not have to keep that on.

3. Use an anti-virus plugin (MAKE SURE the plugin is created by the OFFICIAL person.)


Thanks for your answer, i will take your ideas into account.Thanks :+1: :+1:


If you cannot find any unknown scripts, one of your plugins might be infected.

1. Search through all of your plugins (even if they are disabled) and make sure they are all legit.

2. In Studio, go to File > Settings > Studio. In there, there should a button called “Show hidden objects in Explorer”. This is what it looks like:
Screen Shot 2019-08-28 at 20.48.52

Turn this on. Then look through all of the new objects in Explorer and make sure there are not any unknown scripts. Many of these Viruses are named “Loader”, “Roblox”, “Handler”, “Anchor”, etc.

The way to tell if a script is a virus is if it one line of code called “require()” or the entire code block is on one line. Now. One thing to be careful of. “require()” is widely used and may be accidentally deleted if it is not a virus. Usually, if it is a virus, it would look like this:
Or something like that. That is a virus. You should remove the script that it is in.



Thank you for answering me again. I will check it out so i can see if it is a virus. Many thanks again for the useful information. :+1: :+1::slight_smile:

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No problem! Btw, if you want to teleport players to your own game, you do not have to have “Third Party Teleports” on. You should also turn off “Third Party Purchases” to prevent other backdoors.