Third person camera aimed at enemy

I want to make a lock on system like that:

but i dont actually know how to do it… So anyone can help me?

You can find videos on YouTube that could help?

i tried but there is no tutorial etc. for it

Than where did you find the video, you could ask the person for the script?

yeah everyone is asking it… He wont give it i think

Well tbh I’m a excellent builder and designer not scripter. Sorry

What I would do is maybe look for some free models?

If you plan on doing what @Ultronlize suggests, be careful for backdoors and viruses in free models.

I’ve reworded your post title to only contain relevant information that is descriptive of your issue.

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Yea Thxs @EmeraldLimes I forgot to mention that, to search hidden viruses, use a plugins which is trusted, or do ctrl shift f and suck for keywords like infection, hack, require, spread, etc.

This technique is more simple than you think. Simply update the Camera’s CFrame in a loop. Keep in mind: CFrame = Position, Vector3 LookAt)

Example Code
local runService = game:GetService("RunService")
local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
local target = workspace.Dummy
local offset = CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(30), 0)

while true do
    cam.CFrame =, target.HumanoidRootPart.Position) * Offset
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how will i disable it because my lock is working when player hold CTRL

and how will i set it to target all players and dummies?

Honestly I do not have a clue but my conclusion is that it has something to do with tweening. I’m assuming you need to make some sort of “Tween Loop” that keeps looping it around the enemy.

You can start by making a boolean variable that determines if ctrl is pressed. Then just take in user inputs with UserInputService and see if they pressed ctrl. Run an infinite loop and inside the loop, check if the boolean variable is true. If it is, then set the camera CFrame.

To target different players and dummy, just remember this when setting the camera CFrame: Camera.CFrame =, Target.HumanoidRootPart.Position) * Offset

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