Third Reich related content

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I do know ROBLOX is sensitive about Third Reich related content, I know the Iron Cross is allowed and uniforms of the Wehrmacht are allowed. What about black uniforms though, without armbands? Similar to SS uniforms.

Since it doesn’t include any real symbols, I just want to know whether ROBLOX is sensitive about it, in fact, theres many shirts of it in the catalog.

I’m making a game where you fight as the allies against the axis and I was just wondering.

As long as there is nothing related to it, Like Symbols. People, or Political Stuff, It should be fine.


Would be better making it slighty diferent like blue

Unfortunately the Air Force uniform is already wearing a blue

Would suggest to make a different patch for that uniform. (closely resembles the wolfsangel, and commonly used by SS divisions )

(spoiler shows examples of SS divisions using the wolfsangel.)

Also I suggest to be careful in making content similar to Waffen SS, if ever stick to the Wehrmacht styling instead. As one of my friends have been moderated in the platform for creating a black officer hat without any symbolization nor even related to 1936 Germany.

I would also suggest to stray away from anything related to Waffen SS at all, and just stick with the Wehrmacht, as ROBLOX does not take kindly of such content.

Alright, I’ll try to stay away from that

What do you think about the Green SS Combat Uniform instead? It isn’t black,

doesn’t have visible symbols

Best to integrate them into just the Wehrmacht to avoid ROBLOX moderation issues, removal of symbols isn’t always enough unfortunately. Considering even light references to the SS they already moderate.

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Why take the chance of being moderated?

Hey ik this is prob from last year

Is it okay to use an black SS uniform?

it doesnt have any kind of symbol or any wastika im just curious

I don’t think it is because the SS was Hitler’s Army. Wehrmacht is your best option.

if i could make a custom idea of my own?