This error always appears first in the output

cloud_153253558.Model.TerrainGui.Frame.LocalScript:10: attempt to call a nil value

I dont think I have anything to do with GUIs at the moment but this TerrainGui ???

Looks like a plug-in error, get rid of plug-ins that you don’t use and it should go away.

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I dont know if this is related to the loadstring() is not available error that also appears second :confused:

If you didn’t create this script, then it is probably a virus that sneaked in on a free model, or a malfunctioning plugin.

If this is something created by you, we need to see the contents of the script and context of what you are making in order to help you solve the problem.

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I can’t click to find the script source but its Context is studio

This is a plugin error. Anything that contains cloud_ means its a plugin.

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