This FPS game is really gonna roll

So, my group and I have made this game

It currently have two gamemodes that’s zombie and hardpoint.
We are planning to make a defusal like CSGO.

We scripted the gun system and it is kinda good in comparison with other systems.

(I cannot post in colab catergory. If not, I will look for youtuber)


A great game, only problem is the lag.
When I and Asynchronous shot at the same time, I literally had like 2 fps. Now imagine there are 20 players shooting at the same time in a server.

Other than that, it’s a really good game, keep up the good work!


I wasn’t expecting much of the game when I first joined, but I was surprisingly having fun and didn’t want to give up. So, I found a few bugs in your game:

  • When you buy a new weapon it replaces a different weapon and I sometimes found myself losing a weapon with full ammo after buying a new one. I suggest you add a backpack system or a prompt that asks which weapon to replace.

  • The game gets really laggy after shooting for a long time.

  • I felt like I was receiving too many coins (solo shooting)

Here are some suggestions:

  • Expand the map and add hiding sheds or tunnels.

  • Add a loading screen


I figured out pretty quickly if you go on the machines that sell MP5’s the zombies just give up and stand in place and the round will keep loading until your game crashes of lag because the more zombies that spawn the more laggier it gets.

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The game wasn’t as I expected. I was expecting some bad low end gun which could hardly work. But this doesn’t mean its good either. Here are a few improvements i’d say you can work on.

  • Test #1: The Autoclicker. Most optimized systems are able to handle an autoclicker shooting, Equipping or just spamming gui buttons. Your game certainly didn’t. It caused my fps to go to about 5-10. To improve this add denounces to the gun itself, Minimize the process the code has to go though to achieve something and overall just try and minimize the abilities it has to do.

  • Test #2: Graphics. Inside a game such as Arsenal. One of the best gun games on roblox i’ll have around 240 FPS, Capped out. On shift F5 it’ll show around 300 sometimes. However on your game. Same settings i’ll get around 90 FPS. Which means there is a lot going on in the background causing it to lag behind. When pulling my graphics to max. Its stuck at around 40-60. Still on arsenal you get around 100-150 fps.

  • Test #3 AI: I only tested the Zombie mode as I didn’t want to spend too much time on the game with empty servers, But the AI Can you some improvements. From what i’ve seen the AI is laggy and fall behind. They hit like 5 damage. Nothing that really hurts, And finally, the AI has little room to run around. They group up with each other. To fix this, Create a random point where the ai may go to. Or even try and predit the players next position by casting a ray 5 studs in front of em. Some zombies on each side. Etc. Make sure that the AI is binded to the server so replication lag doesn’t exist, SetNetworkOwner. And finally, Not sure if you added this. But make sure to use the Path.Blocked event in case the current path manages to get blocked.

  • Test #4: Noob, I always enter a game acting as if i’m braindead. So I will see how well structured the tutorial or how the game works. there was nothing. If you really don’t wat to do a tutorial just add some basic frames to show the player where things are and what to do.

  • Test #5: Etc, I noticed when turning the gun system. You dont get any gradient on the gun. Going left to right, But whilst aiming down the sights and doing it. You get the gradient that you would in life. Try and replicate it on both aiming and not aiming.

Overall; Improve and Optimize the game. This would be classed as an ALPHA release. Or even WIP because it still needs a heavy amount of development to stabilize and produce a polished game.

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Here’s what I observed after 10 minutes of gameplay in the “Zombies” gamemode.

The good:
1- Gun models are good, the reload animations are clear
2- Music creates a creepy atmosphere
3- The art style is for the most part uniform, no mix between very realistic and very stylised assets

What can be improved:
1- Lag spikes every couple of minutes. My PC is completely adequate for roblox, so I would say the lag comes from either un-optimised code or the FIB 3 lighting (which would then be Roblox’s responsibility to fix)
2- AI behaviour is very monotone, they form “congo trains” which are easy to deal with
3- The AI gets frequently stuck on dead bodies, a fix would be to remove collisions from the ragdolls
4- The “getting hurt” sound effect is the minecraft “ugh”, which detracts from the atmosphere and feels weird.
5- The r870 gets “pushed back” by the AI when they’re within 3-5 studs of range, making the pellets deal no damage

Overall, I this is a very good start to an FPS game, it just needs a little more time and polish. Once it has received that, I think it could be up there with the other COD zombies/ Survival zombie shooters on the platform. Keep up the good work!

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Didn’t you already post this already asking for more players? The game really deserves more players. I suggest you something though,
1: Keep the same classic cod/cs aspect
2: Don’t over do things like visual effects

I already like the current style.
Maybe a start button instead of having to wait 50 seconds before teleporting would be great.

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Pretty good! The map and gun models look amazing!

Two things I don’t like:

  • Minecraft and Fortnite sound effects? Kinda weird.
  • Wayyy too much recoil on the assault rifle. It just keeps going up and up, making it uncomfortable

If you can improve on those, I can see this getting popular!

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Hey, I play tested it with some people and after they left I came across this bug where the boss suddendly stops moving, and the enemy left indicator broke so the round started before I killed all the zombies. Unfortunately, I am not able to upload the video since the replay file is too big.

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Yeah this game is good! Although the lag problems is all over the place. It’s super laggy when I tried playing it. Maybe you should fix that.


Great system, experiencing some lag, you should create an auto reload system and be able to collect small ammo crates throughout the map.

Amazing game, just a few bugs in there but over all good work!

The game is fine and cool but need to work on the animation if you don’t mind can i join your team as a animator?