This game has weird water rendering bug

I had to play this calmimg pool made by an user called @tryler2 ,and when i look down the water has an weird render over there due to some surface light shotting lights above the water up surface

And here ,the game where i found the bug

It happens the same in a mobile but the water is shining a lot, which bothers the player

Expected behavior

I’ve reinstalled both engines ,but the problem is still visible
But I want to never have a render issue again.

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It’s a thing with how light reflects on the water surface itself. Not a bug. Please report bugs which also you see happening in other games, not just one.

Ok thanks for letting me know, I hope they solve it for me and for the people who visit those lush places with high details

No, that’s a bug. That shouldn’t be happening.


Okay, I just updated the place. One thing I couldn’t fix is that the MeshParts suddenly turned into a small cube, and it won’t let me rescale them properly. The issue only happens in Studio, not in the client. I really hate how Roblox keeps changing things that weren’t broken, but now they are. It’s starting to annoy me.

This will affect a lot of developers if someone didn’t notice this small change.

Also i found in this game ,the music was really an moderated asset but ingame is still playing
Not an real bug but fine also ,Not all the games has that

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