I’m trying to have a local gui appear and change text.
First I was told that I need to change it inside playergui and not startergui, now that I change it in playergui, none of the changes are actually applying to them.
I’m trying to have a local gui appear and change text.
First I was told that I need to change it inside playergui and not startergui, now that I change it in playergui, none of the changes are actually applying to them.
possibly that you put this in a “Script” (the server sided) instead of LocalScript or the Player.CharacterAdded:Wait() yields the code, preventin it to connect the events
if using PlayerGUI still doesn’t work, try doing with the script.Parent and find the object to ref according to where your script is at
I don’t think you should be adding a Udim2, try setting a new Udim instead
{Position = UDim2.fromScale(TextPosition.X.Scale,TextPosition.Y.Scale + 0.1)}
This is inside a localscript qweqwe
Well the frame is unaffected regardless
So you should just be moving the frame instead
im so dumb the prompt wasnt even activating in the first place becuase i guess you cant wait for a player character in a local script
Well this is a learning experience for both of us
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