Okay so i want to share to you guys a bit about reducing data packet size (standard option).
Commonly firing remotes with 1 arg string that costed upto 32-70+ bytes (scaled with length and may more) so how do you reduced it? so i used some method to reduce it.
using string pack can reduce size upto 2-3x (or more) like 32 to 16.
Use external encode text strings reduce sizer
Depend to the encoder system work to request packet data to be compressed
JSON Encode
i use this method too for reduce size upto 2x smaller.
if you use these 2 method in row that able make your data size compressed upto 2/4 bytes
Important for using JSON Encode
using JSON Encode on multiple times in short time can limit you for while, so while your limited your not able to use JSON API
if you got your self opinion or source, fell free to share it to us!
Depending on what you’re sending, you can also use serialization. For example:
RemoteEvent, Server vs Client
“BlueCar”, “OpenLeftDoor”, “OpenRightDoor” → “0001”, “0002”, “0003”
Then in some conversion table, you can store the definitions of these serialized IDs. Like so:
“0001” = “BlueCar”
“0002” = “OpenLeftDoor”
“0003” = “OpenRightDoor”
With that, you get the same deserialized arguments but in way less bytes. Bonus points if you decide to call string.pack, JSONEncode, and possibly a custom text compressor on top of all that.
Obviously this way of serialization only works depending on what you’re sending, if you send high resolution Vector3s, it might be conflicting performance to serialize it to reconstruct it a millisecond later. Or possibly if you’re sending non-unique text, like a player typed message.
Personally, I use waffles’s text compressor to compress my strings. I can get tens of thousands of characters of text compressed down to a small fraction of its original size(~20%) then decompress back exactly how it originally was without any difficulty. From what I understand about it, the more patterns in the string the more compressed it will be.
You can find more information on what I’m talking about in this topic: Text compression
If you just wanna copy and paste the code into a module without checking it out well, here ya go:
local dictionary, length = {}, 0
for i = 32, 127 do
if i ~= 34 and i ~= 92 then
local c = string.char(i)
dictionary[c], dictionary[length] = length, c
length = length + 1
local escapemap = {}
for i = 1, 34 do
i = ({34, 92, 127})[i-31] or i
local c, e = string.char(i), string.char(i + 31)
escapemap[c], escapemap[e] = e, c
local function escape(s)
return (s:gsub("[%c\"\\]", function(c)
return "\127"..escapemap[c]
local function unescape(s)
return (s:gsub("\127(.)", function(c)
return escapemap[c]
local function copy(t)
local new = {}
for k, v in pairs(t) do
new[k] = v
return new
local function tobase93(n)
local value = ""
local remainder = n%93
value = dictionary[remainder]..value
n = (n - remainder)/93
until n == 0
return value
local function tobase10(value)
local n = 0
for i = 1, #value do
n = n + 93^(i-1)*dictionary[value:sub(-i, -i)]
return n
local function compress(text)
local dictionary = copy(dictionary)
local key, sequence, size = "", {}, #dictionary
local width, spans, span = 1, {}, 0
local function listkey(key)
local value = tobase93(dictionary[key])
if #value > width then
width, span, spans[width] = #value, 0, span
sequence[#sequence+1] = (" "):rep(width - #value)..value
span = span + 1
text = escape(text)
for i = 1, #text do
local c = text:sub(i, i)
local new = key..c
if dictionary[new] then
key = new
key, size = c, size+1
dictionary[new], dictionary[size] = size, new
spans[width] = span
return table.concat(spans, ",").."|"..table.concat(sequence)
local function decompress(text)
local dictionary = copy(dictionary)
local sequence, spans, content = {}, text:match("(.-)|(.*)")
local groups, start = {}, 1
for span in spans:gmatch("%d+") do
local width = #groups+1
groups[width] = content:sub(start, start + span*width - 1)
start = start + span*width
local previous;
for width = 1, #groups do
for value in groups[width]:gmatch(('.'):rep(width)) do
local entry = dictionary[tobase10(value)]
if previous then
if entry then
sequence[#sequence+1] = entry
dictionary[#dictionary+1] = previous..entry:sub(1, 1)
entry = previous..previous:sub(1, 1)
sequence[#sequence+1] = entry
dictionary[#dictionary+1] = entry
sequence[1] = entry
previous = entry
return unescape(table.concat(sequence))
return {compress = compress, decompress = decompress}
I highly suggest checking it out though, whether you’re going to use it or not.