This is a part...that has inverted normals. How did I achieve this?

Very strange indeed. I was and still am baffled when I first saw this


That’s very strange… I’ve never heard of or knew you could invert the normals on a regular part. I’ve done it on specialmeshes, meshparts etc but on a regular part? That’s baffling. But it could be a good building trick for optimisation instead of needing to use an extra meshpart for it. Can you recall if you did anything out of the ordinary?

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Huh? Wait… tthat’s possible!? Could you try to send us what you did? Or maybe even send Roblox Studio logs.

You can do this with an invalid rotation matrix. Rather than right top back, you can send it left top back, right bottom back, or right top front and it will do this.


Can you send us the Placefile, this is very strange behavior?

I’m pretty sure this is a bug and not meant to happen…

Publish it on the Library and put the link here. I’m sure people will find good use of it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey? my eyes fell out when i saw this so perhaps open source?

You can get this effect by putting this script in the command bar

local part = workspace.Part

part.CFrame = CFrame.fromMatrix(,10,0),,1,0),,0,1),,1,0))

Woohoo , you broke the matrix with CFrame.fromMatrix(,10,0),,1,0),,0,1),,1,0))
Now we can achieve the effect on probably every MeshParts