This is my new power thing i made can you give me some feedback and maybe some idea’s for what i should script next?
robloxapp-20201122-0910012.wmv (1.4 MB)
Also if you don’t know what this is from it’s from “Naruto”
This is my new power thing i made can you give me some feedback and maybe some idea’s for what i should script next?
robloxapp-20201122-0910012.wmv (1.4 MB)
Also if you don’t know what this is from it’s from “Naruto”
Ok thats looks cool and why don’t you make an animation that is like a grab animation, like choking??? i don’t know if you can do that
thanks for the idea ima try to do that
As a Naruto fan I can say this animation is well made, but I wish he said “Shinra Tense” . I don’t know if is possible if you make him to rise the arm then say the line? I hope is possible. Good luck Naruto fan! Dattebayo!
I would consider uploading a gif rather than the file. It’s much easier to view, encouraging more people to give you feedback. Also not sure if uploading a file in this category is allowed (not trying to mini-mod, also not entirely sure so don’t quote me if I’m wrong), just be careful in the future when asking similar questions. Looking out for your best interest. Otherwise, I’m sure this looks cool. Keep it up!
what do you mean bye gif i just clicked video’s in my files and clicked on the video that i made for the post?