Hi, my friend ask me to make something that can change word in text fast and simple, soo i’m make this school cheats to do that
i called this arbuz 1.0v
Hi, my friend ask me to make something that can change word in text fast and simple, soo i’m make this school cheats to do that
I don’t understand what this is supposed to do or what it is. Is this like a language translator or something
What string magic did you use to change a word? Also no way it takes more than 0.5 seconds to convert it, did you add wait(1)
I think he’s using gsub() and me too i didn’t see why there’s a delay before converting it ???
it looks like it just swaps part of a sentence (the textbox at the top) with another (the textbox at the bottom)
this is a certified something of all time
i’m using gsub to change the word