This is the last time

So, I have updated my game to your standards, well, last time and I am hoping to get feedback on…

Yes, some of you remember it

I hope to get at least a 7/10 rating this time

I want to know what I can improve, whether its game play or other things

thanks again

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To be honest, the concept itself is bad. I died on the second lava jump (yes, I am amazing at obbies) and to be completely honest, I couldn’t be bothered to load the game back up again.

The game is pretty empty and not really not all too nice to look at. The random text looks silly and makes your game look incomplete, you should have released it in a more professional-looking state with completed scripts and assets instead of some white text saying how you manually put the donors’ avatars in the game which shows some laziness on your part.

Overall, it is not a bad game, but I would not rate it 7/10.
Best of luck.

Well, Idk how to fix it, it was a model and it broke
I cant replace it because 2 people already donated

i will remove it

What can I do there

I find it funny you get kicked. Although you should probably make it slightly easier if you’re gonna do something like that.

It IS easy, for me anyway, jk

What is the hard part there, or hard parts, I can tone them down