i am developing a game( Simulator Tests - Roblox ) wich contains in-game exclusive items for anyone wich bought gamepasses.
but when u will buy the gamepass in-game(not on game page) it doesnt work it pop ups a message “This item is not currently for sale” here goes the script:
local productId = script.Parent.GamePassID.Value – change to your Gamepass product ID
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() --DONT CHANGE THIS
Hello there, check if the value that is called GamePassID value’s is the same as the gamepass you created!!
Edit: Please make me the solution to this answer by giving me a tick!
was going to say the same thing xD I thought he was talking about a micro transaction developer product, I didn’t notice that he is talking about a gamepass!