This module crashes the type checking engine

  1. Open Studio

  2. Open new Baseplate project

  3. Create a ModuleScript inside ServerStorage

  4. Copy this code into the ModuleScript

local CloseTask, DestroyTask, Unlock, Save

export type Constructor = {
	new: (name: string, scope: string, key: string?) -> DataStore,
	hidden: (name: string, scope: string, key: string?) -> DataStore,
	find: (name: string, scope: string, key: string?) -> DataStore?,
	Response: {Success: string, Saved: string, Locked: string, State: string, Error: string},

LockTask = function(runningTask, proxy)
	local dataStore = getmetatable(proxy)
	if dataStore.TaskManager:FindLast(CloseTask) == nil and dataStore.TaskManager:FindLast(DestroyTask) == nil then StartLockTimer(proxy) end
	if dataStore.__public.SaveOnClose == true then Save(proxy, 3) end
	dataStore.__public.StateChanged:Fire(false, proxy)

CloseTask = function(runningTask, proxy)
	local dataStore = getmetatable(proxy)
	if dataStore.__public.SaveOnClose == true then response, responseData = Save(proxy, 3) end
	Unlock(dataStore, 3)

DestroyTask = function(runningTask, proxy)
	local dataStore = getmetatable(proxy)
	if dataStore.__public.State == false then
		if dataStore.__public.SaveOnClose == true then response, responseData = Save(proxy, 3) end
		Unlock(dataStore, 3)
	dataStore.__public.StateChanged:Fire(nil, proxy)

return Constructor :: Constructor
  1. Wait a few seconds

  2. Change the 3 on line 26 to 4

  3. Congratulations you have just crashed the type checking engine

  4. to test if the type checking engine has crashed create a new script and type game you should notice that auto complete no longer work you must restart studio now to fix it

this problem was previously reported here: This module breaks type checking and crashes studio · Issue #1102 · luau-lang/luau · GitHub
it was fixed for a short time but then stopped working again

you can find the full module here:
but iv narrowed the problem down to the code shown above


finally. how roblox studio was meant to be used

Thank you for the bug report. We’ve identified the issue and are preparing a fix. We’ll reach out if we need any more information.