This annoying little bug causes very slight misalignments in part orientation, making these nasty lines and holes all over the build.
It’s most evident when using increments of equal to or under 0.2 studs / 5°. It doesn’t affect specific BaseParts, it happens to all of them that are usable.
Ways I’ve been able to repro it a bit more commonly than it usually happens:
Grouping a model and dragging it around the 3D view.
Still need to confirm if it happens more often with models that have no PrimaryPart set or models that have Wedges/CornerWedges.
Rotating / dragging a selected group of parts.
(PLEASE NOTE: This has been tested with the “Drag Multiple Objects As Single Part” setting both on and off. The issue still occurred with both. I mention this because many think this is setting being on is a major cause of the issue, and my test suggests otherwise.)
I hope this issue gets bumped up a bit. I don’t build all too often, but when I do this is usually the issue I get.
I stopped using team create to prevent this. I haven’t had the issue since then. This only happens with the default tools, right? I use building plugins.
Not sure how plausible this is, but from what I understand you can’t completely get rid of the floating point error. However, I just had an idea, what if there was an option that you could enable that would automatically round or “reset” the position of your parts whenever you moved them. I know you can already do this with a script but as a built in functionality this would be awesome.
Wasn’t there a setting in File → Settings that prevented this? I think it’s called “Drag multiple parts as one part” or something similar. Not sure if it’s for this case tho
This isn’t a case of floating point error, I don’t think. Generally, error in floats is <= 0.000001 iirc.
This is an issue only evident on default studio tools as well, meaning it’s a bug within codewriting and not floating point math as a whole, because custom build plugins don’t experience this.
I’ve heard this being said a lot.
However, I don’t really feel like having to use 3rd party plugins to do something that should be doable within the default studio toolset is really acceptable
Your morality is going to keep you from having nice builds for a very long time. It only started when ROBLOX pushed Studio 2013. It was just fine for 7 years. It’s been four years since then and it still hasn’t been fixed. You could: keep complaining, or find a solution and move on. I found a solution.
I don’t think this is an issue of “Morality”, I think it’s more an issue that “ROBLOX should try to avoid releasing a toolset designed for new and old builders alike that doesn’t work properly.”
Edit: I’ll use a plugin, I’m not saying I’m “too good for plugins” (I do want to build, and yes, getting a plugin is the solution to dealing with this issue). I’m saying roblox needs to fix the tool marketed to people just starting studio, those who may view plugins as a big confusing thing.
You’re saying that just because something hasn’t been fixed means it never will be? That doesn’t make sense.
If something can be fixed and is of extreme annoyance to developers, it should definitely be looked into. I don’t know anything about this specific issue though.
I said what I did not only because it hasn’t been fixed, but also because it’s been looked into at least once since the dev forum moved to discourse, and still no change. Like I said, the writing on the wall has dried.
I do see your point, and it makes sense, except for the fact that the rotation + position offsets are especially notable on larger parts. Small parts might not matter quite as much (even though you can still see it), but should this issue occur on a larger part the effect will be much more exaggerated.