This Part Based ocean is too expensive

Right now this water

it looks great. runs fine sometimes on my great pc and I need this game to go on phone…
right now I just create like 100 x 20 sea and just move the parts up and down with tweens and generate the height with math.noise
it looks really stupid without tweening so that’s off the table with my current situation

The sea HAS to have functional waves and be dynamic
any suggestions to make this sea actually reasonable
open to suggestions with like idk mesh deformation but I don’t know how that works

(walking on it was just for a test)

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For that you could use the workspace setting “StreamingEnabled”

It’s basically a chunk loader built into roblox.

I hope I helped :smile:

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Look at other posts here that talk about Mesh Deformation ocean or waves. It’s basically taking a flat MeshPart and bending it with Bones to make a very dynamic wave system.


Whatever you do, render this on the client. It’s purely visual, so have the client do it instead of the server. This way, the client can also reduce/eliminate the effect entirely if it is too much. If you need to detect when a player falls in, that can be done on the server.

@Scottifly makes a good point. Mesh deformation is probably the best way to do this.

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