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I’d like to be a scripter here, I have a portfolio, a new game I made yesterday and everything else that you need. Hope you hire me! Note: I am a 3 years experienced scripter to be exact.

Discord: FriendlyBuilder24#2033

Roblox Username: FriendlyBuilder24

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Hello, I can’t find you on discord please contact me at discord. My username is valdemarcrafter#6569

Hello! I’d like to apply for the UI designer role. I have a screenshot of my recent work. I’m also working on a new UI designer as I am typing.Hope you hire me!:slight_smile:. I also have 6 months of experience.
Discord : TendoMVP#6894.
ROBLOX username: Epic_Tendo.
Thanks for reading if you did!

I am a builder and am interested, I have added you on Discord @DiverseBlhue#9723

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