This really funny staircase that I made from a while back

So, when I started building first on Roblox, I was a complete noob.
I didn’t know how to use increments properly, I was super slow with moving and I didn’t use plugins. (Gasp!)
Recently, I’ve just been organizing my files and I came across a really old file…

I look and all I was was this staircase, but then I remembered all about it. Apparently, based on my notes, I spent TWO HOURS making this ridiculously simple staircase. I have no idea how and it really intrigues me on how much I have improved and learned.

Apparently, this staircase was supposed to be part of something. It’s a reference to something, can anyone guess what it is? Teehee.


I hope to continue on my journey of building and I will continue writing my little diary of adventures.

~Shinyju, signing off.

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To be honest it looks like a pretty detailed rope ladder on a playground to access the slide

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Looks alright :smiley: don’t think there may be some more detail wouldn’t hurt!

Indeed! I can see it now. But the theme was for something different, hehe. No one has guessed it yet.

this is a castle theme gate hm?

Hehe, no. I used to be a Alan Walker fan and this was supposed to be that tiny staircase in the music video of “Heading Home”. :rofl: :sweat_smile:

Well then that should be a concert
Edit: Forget it I’m done here on this post but you’ll be a good builder , have a great day