this is more than likely a virus. Since you said it’s constantly there when you open a new place, then it is more than likely coming from one of your plugins.
Make sure to go through each of your plugins and see if they are made by a trusted creator. I’d also suggest removing any plugins you haven’t used in a while.
If you are not too sure about a plugin, let us know here and we may be able to help you out.
Also have a look in every folder/part/item/subfolder in your Explorer window that has a small triangle next to it indicating there are children of that item.
Did you use any free models? They can have harmful scripts in them too.
In all the games you have? What I meant was that you should check all the other items in your game before you test it, not the one with the script in it.
I’d suspect a Plugin then as @VoidException suggested.
Both are Server-Side executors, letting someone with access to it to get a “console” which can control everything in your server, in other words, this is a backdoor.
One of the backdoors:
How can we know it’s coming from a plugin?
If it inserts itself, it has to be a plugin, nothing else (other than the user manually doing it.)